The Charter of the Dominion of Solacia

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Article I. Preamble

Through Divine goodness, and by the grace of His Imperial Majesty, all people have by nature the rights of worshiping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences, of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring and protecting reputation and property, and in general of obtaining objects suitable to their condition, without injury by one to another; and as these rights are essential to their welfare, for due exercise thereof, power is inherent in them; and therefore all just authority in the institutions of political society is derived from the people, and established with their consent, to advance their happiness; and they may for this end, as circumstances require, from time to time, alter their charter of government.

Article II. Name

In accordance with the Imperial Constitution and Imperial Decree, this Dominion of the Queendom of Solacia. It may also be known as the, the Dominion of Solacia, or as Solacia when speaking of the primary structures under the Imperium.

Article III. Declaration of Allegiance

The Queendom of Solacia owes its existence and establishment to the Emperor and Grand Sovereign of the Aksum Imperium and remains eternally a Dominion of the Imperium, with all the rights, privileges, and benefits granted by the Imperial Crown, the Imperial Constitution, and this Charter. No laws will be made or actions taken that supersede the previously mentioned identities.

Article IV. Bill of Rights

In addition to the rights afforded to all Imperial Citizens in Article X. Rights and Freedoms of the Imperial Constitution, the following rights are guaranteed to the Residents of the Dominion:

Section 1. Voting

The right to vote in all elections, plebiscites, and polls called by the Dominion government.

Section 2. Housing

The right to housing provided by the state if unable to afford or if not a member of a Family, Clan, or House.

Section 3. Business

The right to start a business within the regulations established by the government.

Article V. The Dominion

Section 1. Organization

The Dominion is organized into States, Provinces, Systems, and Planets, Regions, Continents, Cities, Wards/Districts, Towns, Villages, and Hamlets that are under the stewardship of a house or clan, granted by the Queen.   whose status is determined by the Grand Sovereign in accordance with the Imperial Constitution, Imperial Decrees, and Imperial Law.

Section 2.  Establishments

  1. The Dominion will submit requests to establish State, Provinces, and Systems, but has the sole power to name and organize planets within its borders and in accordance with Imperial Law.
  2. The following States and Provinces are recognized with this Charter (with the primary holdings of the Archon explained).
    1. State of Solacia, in the status of Grand Principality
      1. Province of Hemby, in the status of Archduchy
        1. Solace Prime System, in the status of Grand Duchy
          1. Planet Hemby, in the status of Grand Marquisdom
            1. Solace City, in the status of Marquisdom
    2. State of Laos
    3. State of Secundaria
    4. State of Maloma Roti
    5. State of Eurynar
  3. The Archon is authorized to establish additional substructures within Imperial Constitution, Decrees, and Laws.

Section 3.  Relationship with Quadrant

The Dominion will participate in Quadrant activities and collaborations within Imperial Law.

Section 4.  Location

The Dominion shall reside within the Alpha Quadrant of Imperial Space.

Section 5. Subordination

  1. Each State is subordinate to the Dominion and is overseen on behalf of the Emperor and Sovereign by the Queen.
  2. Each State shall have at a minimum a legislative, executive, and judicial body that focus on their perspective areas.
  3. Each State will have a charter and a body of laws.
  4. No State or Province may leave the Dominion without approval of the Imperial Crown

Article VI. Dominion Government

The Government of the Dominion is organized with four branches of government each responsible to the Imperial Crown and Court and to the States and Residents of the Dominion.  They are:

Section 1. Head of the Dominion

  1. Designation. The Archon of the House of Solacia is designated as the Head of the Dominion.
  2. Styling. The Queendom of Solacia is a constitutional monarchy within a constitutional monarchy as such the Head of Dominion is titled, His/Her Royal Majesty ____(name), by the Light of the Creator and the Grace of the Grand Sovereign of the Aksum Imperium, Queen of Solacia and all of its realm and regions. The titles along with the dignity shall pass to successors subject to the Imperial Crown’s approval and the Imperial Constitution.
  3. Prerogatives. The Queen is the symbolic and nominal head of the Dominion.  He shall rule by justice and fairness, under established laws. Dominion powers and Prerogatives are: The right to declare Dominion holidays; grant local titles within the limits of Imperial Law; establish local orders of knighthood; signs Dominion bills into law or veto bills; grant pardons and commute sentences; convene a Dominion Conclave; open the Dominion Assembly; declare emergencies and martial law, subject to the approval of the Imperial Crown, and rule directly; issue decrees to provide for Dominion governance, stability, and survival of the Imperial Dominion.  These Prerogatives can only be delegated by Dominion Warrant or Decree.  No person shall attempt to involve the Queen, nor shall he/she infringe or impose: in politics, petty issues, minor/basic decisions, except to ensure the survival of the Dominion.
  4. Regency. The Queen may designate a Regent by decree. Where the Queen is absent for a period exceeding thirty days (30) from his last presence in the Imperium the Heir or Regent shall act.  In case of prolonged absence of the Queen, the Dominion Council, upon notification by the Queen in public forum, shall, if no regent is designated, temporarily assume those duties. The Sovereign of the Imperium may designate another as the Regent and/or another to assume duties as Queen.
  5. Reigning no Other Countries. The Queen shall not reign in other countries, unless those countries are subject to the Imperial Constitution.
  6. Dominion Authority. Subject to limitations laid down in this Charter, the Queen shall have the supreme authority in all affairs of the Dominion. The executive, legislative, and judicial powers of the Dominion are vested in the Queen and delegated by this Charter and Dominion Decrees.
  7. Appointing the Officers of the Dominion. The Queen may appoint or dismiss any officer of the Imperium or delegate it to the Dominion Conclave, a Council, or an individual.  He shall decide upon the number of Officers and among them the distribution of duties among them.  He may delegate this duty by decree.  
  8. Dominion Household/Chambers. The Queen chooses and dismisses, at his own discretion, the Dominion Chambers and Court Officials
  9. Duties. In the name of the Sovereign of the Imperium, the duties of the Head of Dominion are:
    1. Preside over the Dominion Council of Solacia;
    2. Represent the Imperial Crown in the Queendom of Solacia;
    3. Represent the Dominion at the Imperial Magnus;
    4. Ensure the execution of Imperial Laws within the Dominion; and ensure the execution of the laws of the Dominion; and
    5. Give an annual Dominion Address at time and date of choosing.

Section 2. Dominion Court

  1. Establishment. The Queen may establish a Dominion Court.  This Court shall be the highest level of governance within the Dominion, exercising Executive, Legislative, and Judicial authority of the Queen.
  2. Membership. Membership in the Dominion Court consists of the members of the Dominion Council, and the heads of any house holding land in the Dominion and appointed by the Queen, and members of the Dominion Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary.
  3. Officers of the Dominion Court. The Officers of the Dominion Court consists, at a minimum of, the Queen, Dominion Viceroy, the Dominion High Magistrate, the Dominion High Prelate, the Inquisitor General of the Dominion, and others the Queen determines by decree.  These individuals shall hold corresponding positions in the Dominion and exercise their duties when the Court is in a Conclave.
  4. Dominion Council. The Dominion Council consists of the Queen, the heads of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Councils, the ranking officer in the IS stationed in the dominion, and the heads of each Noble House in the Dominion.. This council may act in place of any Dominion Council of Government.
  5. Nobility and Knights. The Archon may establish a class of nobility and an order of knights within the Dominion. These individuals will have no rights as members of the Imperial Court unless accepted by the Emperor as Imperial Nobility or Knighthood.

Section 3. Dominion Executive

  1. Establishment. The day-to-day Executive Authority of the Queen is vested with the Dominion Executive.
  2. Membership. The Dominion Viceroy shall form an Executive Council at the direction of the Queen and the advice and consent of the Dominion Assembly and as stated by Imperial Law and this Dominion Charter.  The Dominion Viceroy will submit to the Dominion Assembly all appointments for Minister, the Assembly will approve or disapprove.  After approval, the Queen will either decline or grant Dominion Assent. If the Assembly does not approve the Dominion Viceroy will resubmit or dismiss the Assembly and resign.  The Queen may appoint any minister without approval.
  3. Vacancies. When a vacancy occurs in this council the Dominion Viceroy shall appoint a replacement subject to the advice and consent of the Assembly.
  4. Officers. The Dominion Viceroy shall chair this Council with the assistance of the Vice Dominion Viceroy.  Additional officers may be established by decree or law.
  5. Disbandment. The Queen may disband the Executive Council by decree.  The Assembly may conduct a vote of no-confidence, in which case, the Queen may disband the Assembly or disband the Council of Executives.
  6. Powers. The Executive Council conducts the day to day operations and business of the Dominion, assisting with the management of each Council. Members of the Executive Council may issue edicts within their purview.  The Dominion Viceroy may issue Dominion Dictates to determine how a decree or act/law is executed.
  7. Dominion Viceroy. The Dominion Viceroy is the nominal chair of the Executive Council on behalf of the Queen.  He/she shall appoint the officers of the Dominion Government within the authority granted under this Charter, Imperial Decree, and Imperial Law.  Unless retained by the Queen, the Dominion Viceroy is considered the Head of Government.
    1. The Dominion Viceroy is a member of the Dominion Council
    2. The Dominion Viceroy, by virtue of office, is the Chief Hand of the Queen and ensures His/Her will, the Dominion Charter, and the laws of the Dominion are executed.
    3. The Dominion Viceroy issues binding Dominion decrees in the name of the Queen, and Dominion Dictates and Edicts on all matters within the competence of the position.
    4. The selection for Dominion Viceroy shall be determined by Decree
    5. The term of the Dominion Viceroy is two years or until the Dominion Viceroy’s incapacity, resignation, or removal, whichever is sooner.
    6. Upon the Dominion Viceroy’s incapacity, death, resignation, or removal, the Vice Dominion Viceroy shall lead the government until a new one is confirmed.
    7. Should the Dominion Viceroy’s term expire and a new one not elected or appointed, the incumbent shall continue until a new one is confirmed.
  8. Vice Dominion Viceroy. The Vice Dominion Viceroy is the Praetor of the Dominion Senate.
    1. The Vice Dominion Viceroy executes the duties of the Dominion Viceroy in his/her absence unless the position is declared vacant by decree, resignation, removal, or death.  In those cases the Vice Dominion Viceroy will serve in that role until a new Dominion Viceroy is selected.
  9. Legislative Competence. The Dominion Viceroy may issue Dominion dictates or Dominion edicts with the applicability to the territorial jurisdictions and systems of the Dominion and also in regards to those functions of government for the Dominion as delegate, including: residency, elections, contracts execution, and enforcement of Dominion Law in the territories and systems. The Dominion Viceroy may submit bills to be considered by any Legislative Conclave.  He/she may also submit bills to be considered directly by the Queen, however must resign if the Queen refuses, declines, or disapproves the bill.

Section 4. Dominion Legislature

  1. Establishment. The Dominion Senate or the “Senate” is established as the Dominion Legislature and executes the legislative authority of the Queen.  
  2. Membership. Membership in the Senate includes the Queen, the Dominion Viceroy as ex-officio members; the Praetor, and two Senators from each State.  
  3. Officers. The Officers of the Senate are the Dominion Praetor that chairs the Senate; a Vice Praetor to assist and serve when absent; a Clerk, and a Sergeant at Arm.The Dominion Praetor may appoint additional legislative officers to assist with management of the Assembly, subject to the approval of the Senate.  
  4. Method of voting on Bill/Acts. Except where stated elsewhere: 1) All bills/acts presented requires the majority approval of the Senate prior to being submitted to the Dominion Viceroy for signing; 2) Should the Dominion Viceroy veto the bill/act, it is returned for reconsideration, a ⅔ vote is required to overturn the veto.  3) When the Dominion Viceroy receives an act for consideration to be law, he/she shall have 7 days to respond, if he/she does not respond the bill/act shall become law; 4) The Sovereign may at any time approve a Bill to become law by decree.
  5. Disbandment. The HoR may be disbanded by a decree from the Queen, or in any other matter stated in this Charter.
  6. Powers.
    1. All bills relating to taxes or fees originate in the Senate.
    2. Vote on all bills relating to establishing jurisdictions.
    3. Approve or disapprove appointments made by the Dominion Viceroy and the trial to determine removal of impeached members of the Dominion Executive, the Dominion Judiciary, and its own members.
    4. The Senate has the sole power of impeachment of members of the Dominion Executive, the Dominion Judiciary, and its own members.
    5. Any other duties as decreed by the Queen or stated in this Charter or Dominion Law.
  7. Vacancies. Vacancies are filled by either a special election as decreed Dominion Leadership directing an election or filling the vacancy.
  8. Disbandment. The Senate may be disbanded by a decree from the Queen, or in any other matter statedd in this Charter.

Section 5. Dominion Judiciary

  1. Establishment. The Dominion Council of Magistrates is established as the lead council for the management and oversight of the Dominion Judiciary.
  2. General. The judicial power of the Queen is vested in the Dominion Tribunal and its subordinate courts of law. The Dominion Tribunal forms the court of final appeal within the Dominion. However, the Imperial Grand Tribunal may hear cases per the Imperial Constitution and Law. Individuals may petition the Queen to appeal its decision only if the vote is not unanimous.
  3. Membership. The Queen appoints the members of the Council of Magistrates on the recommendation of the Dominion Viceroy.  There shall be a minimum of three and not more than nine members on this Council.  The Queen may sit at any time with this Council.
  4. Vacancies. Vacancies on this Council are replaced by Dominion Decree.
  5. Officers. The Officers of the Dominion Council of Magistrates include the Dominion Chief Magistrate, Associate Chief Magistrates, and whatever additional officers are required to manage the Council and the Judiciary, as determined by Decree. The Chief Magistrate is appointed by the Queen with advice from the Great Council; chairs and sets procedure; oversees the Dominion Judiciary, including education and standards; serves as or appoints the Chair of the Dominion Council of  Barristers  with consent of the Council of Magistrates and the Queen. The Chief Magistrate oversees the offices that support the Imperial Judiciary.
  6. Disbandment. This Council can only be disbanded by the Queen during a Dominion Conclave, with a ⅔ concurrence of those voting. The Queen can suspend this body if it fails to perform its duties.
  7. Powers. The Council of Magistrates has general supervision and oversight authority of the Dominion Tribunal and the lesser courts.  A unanimous vote is required for it to be the last appeal, all other results may be appealed to the Queen.
  8. Interpretation of the Charter. The Council of Magistrates interprets the Charter and when solicited determines if laws are in accordance or in violation. Should the Dominion Tribunal find that a law, measure, ordinance, edict, rule, policy, order, etc, is inconsistent with the Charter, it shall declare such an item as such and the item shall cease to be lawful or executed. If a court discovers unclear or confusing language in the Charter, Decrees, or in any law, the court may as part of its written decision call upon the Dominion Assembly to revise the law. Until such confusion is resolved, the court shall rule according to the most just and equitable understanding of the law, according to the plain meaning of the words, or if such words have acquired a technical meaning at law, according to the technical meaning.
  9. Lessor Courts. Each State shall have as its highest court to handle appeals local tribunals, a State Tribunal. One of the sitting Magistrates on the Dominion Tribunal may serve as Chief Justice for each State. Each State Tribunal shall include a Chief Justice and at least two other Justices and no more than nine total justices. There shall be Dominion Circuit Tribunals that cover Provinces. Each Tribunal shall consist of a Chief Judge and no less than two and no more than seven additional judges. Circuit Tribunals are courts of first instance for Dominion Law.
  10. Decisions. Where there is an exact precedent, a court shall rule according to law. Where there is no exact precedent, a court will make a rule to fit the case, either by reinterpreting an old rule or by applying what it considers principles of justice consistent with the Constitution and this Charter. The courts shall render their decisions with due regard to the original intent of any law being clarified, as defined by the law's author(s). In the event of a difference in interpretation as to the meaning of a law, the court shall render an official interpretation with full respect to the Charter. A decision by the Dominion Tribunal not made unanimous may be appealed to the Queen. Court decisions (and dissents) will be written up in the forums with due regard to brevity.
  11. Consent to Hear. The Dominion Tribunal shall consent to hear no case until presented with written evidence by the Petitioner proving to a majority of court members that a reasonable chance of obtaining a conviction exists. The courts, by majority vote, may refuse to hear any case, in effect confirming the defendant's (or status quo) position. A court must supply any plaintiff whose case it refuses to hear a written justification of such refusal. A case heard by a local court/tribunal may also be heard by a Circuit Tribunal provided that the focus separates whether its focus is Dominion Law or local law.
  12. Conflict of Interest. If a magistrate, Judge or Justice is a party in a court case, he/shall exempt himself from the bench for the duration of the case, and nominate a temporary replacement, who will be approved by the other judges or Justices of the court. A question of conflict may be presented and must be disposed of prior to the beginning of any trial or case.
  13. Scope. The jurisdiction of the Dominion Tribunal extends everywhere and to everyone subject to this Charter. Any person subject to this Charter may petition for relief or adjudication. The Tribunals shall inflict such punishment as the law provides or in absence, as it deems appropriate.
  14. Injunctions. Any judge or justice may issue court orders or injunctions according to the generally accepted principles of the law. These injunctions may order a party to perform his legal duty, or may prevent the enforcement of a law which may be Inorganic. Violation of an injunction is treated as contempt of court. The final arbiter of the organicity of injunctions is the Dominion Tribunal.
  15. Dominion Council of Barristers. The Council serves as the certifying body for Inquisitors, Advocates, and Solicitors within the Dominion and is subordinate to the Imperial Barristers Council. The Chief Magistrate is a nominal chair, but may appoint another member of the Dominion Council of Magistrates as the Chair. The DCB sets the minimum standards for position within the Dominion Judiciary and among its officers and members, including the Inquisition.
  16. Dominion Inquisition. The Dominion Inquisition operates within both the Judiciary and Executive Branch. The Dominion Inquisitor General is a member of the Council of Dominion and the Dominion Barristers Council and oversees the execution and advocacy of law. This individual shall serve as the Vice Chair of the Barristers Council. The Dominion Viceroy in consultation with the Chief Magistrate shall submit to the Dominion Assembly, the formal organization of the Dominion Inquisition. At a minimum there shall be the Dominion Inquisitor General as the lead individual and manager; an Assistant Inquisitor General to oversee compliance and accountability within the Imperial Court; an Attorney General to oversee prosecution; an Advocate General to oversee the execution of non-criminal cases; a Solicitor General to oversee execution of cases related to the Charter. The Dominion Inquisition works with the Imperial Police in conducting investigations within the Dominion. Exact policies and procedures shall be spelled out in edict, policy, or orders. Dominion Inquisitors shall be appointed in each system assisted by Assistant Dominion Inquisitors. They shall be organized as determined by the law, the Dominion Viceroy, or Dominion Inquisitor General. The Dominion Inquisition, acting through one of its principal officers or Dominion Inquisitors, has exclusive power to bring suit for criminal conviction in the Dominion Tribunal or any of the bodies of the Dominion Judiciary.

Article VII. Elections

Section 1. General.

The Queen, by decree, shall declare elections in accordance with Imperial Law.  The Assembly may pass additional laws as necessary to manage elections.  Anyone wishing to run for local office must be a resident of that location for at least thirty days.

Section 2. Time and manner of holding elections.

General elections will be held no later than the Spring and Fall Equinox and shall be by poll on the forums or other approved locations by decree or law.

Section 3. Qualifications for voting

To be eligible to vote, an individual must be a resident of the Dominion and/or the specific locale (Province, System, Planet, etc).  A person may be disqualified for violating a law, that disqualification must be stated in the adjudication made by the judge.  The crime can be a violation of an Imperial Law, or any other Imperial Dominion.

Section 4. Influencing voter; loss of vote

No person can influence through coercion in any way another person to cast a vote.  Should said person be found guilty, they will lose their right to vote in Dominion elections for six months.

Article VIII. Impeachment and Treason

Section 1. Impeachment power and trial by Senate; oath of Senators; presiding officers.

  1. Procedure. The Senate shall have the sole power of impeachment and trial; but two-thirds of all the members must concur in an impeachment. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate, and when sitting for that purpose, the Senators shall be upon oath or affirmation to do justice according to the evidence. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of all the Senators.
  2. Presiding Officers. On the trial of an impeachment against the Dominion Viceroy or Vice Dominion Viceroy, the Chief Magistrate shall preside.  In the case of the Chief Magistrate or his absence or his or her absence or disability, the Praetor shall preside.

Section 2. Grounds for Impeachment

The Dominion Viceroy and all other civil officers under this Dominion shall be liable to impeachment for treason, bribery, or any high crime or misdemeanor in office. Judgment in such cases shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust or profit, under this Dominion; but the party convicted shall, nevertheless, be subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment according to law.

Section 3. Treason.

Treason against this Dominion shall consist only in levying war against it, or in adhering to the enemies of the Government, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or on confession in open court.

Article IX. Revenue and Taxation

Section 1.  Uniformity. Collection. Exemption

  1. Uniformity. All taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of subjects within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax, except as otherwise permitted herein, and shall be levied and collected under general laws passed by the Dominion  Assembly.
  2. Collection. The legislature shall enact laws to provide the value of land and the means of collection.  This tax does not include any fees required of the Imperial Government and not in lieu of.
  3. Exemption. The Queen may by decree exempt individuals from paying taxes to the Dominion.  The legislature may enact laws that allow for individuals to apply for exemption.

Section 2. Revenue bills.

All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the Senate, however the Dominion Executive may propose alterations.

Section 3. Borrowing Money

No money shall be borrowed or debt created by or on behalf of the Dominion but pursuant to an Act of the Dominion Assembly, passed with the concurrence of three fourths of all the members elected to each House, except to supply casual deficiencies of revenue or pay existing debts; and any law authorizing the borrowing of money by or on behalf of the Dominion shall specify the purpose for which the money is to be borrowed, and the money so borrowed shall be used exclusively for such purpose; but should the money so borrowed or any part thereof be left after the abandonment of such purpose or the accomplishment thereof, such money, or the surplus thereof, may be disposed of according to law.

Article X. Corporations

Section 1. Creation

Corporations shall be created in accordance with general laws or decrees.  The Queen or the Dominion Assembly shall by decree or laws provide for the revocation or forfeiture of the charters of all corporations for the abuse, misuse, or non-user of their corporate powers, privileges or franchises. Any preceding for such revocation or forfeiture, shall be taken by the Dominion Inquisitor, as may be provided by law.  Corporations approved by the Imperial Government are automatically accepted as domestic within the Dominion.

Section 2. Acceptance of  Charter

All corporations shall include in its articles of incorporation that they accept this Charter.

Section 3. Designation of Agent

No corporation that is not registered by the Imperial Government or this Dominion shall do any business in this Dominion through or by branch offices, agents or representatives located in this Dominion, without having an authorized agent or agents in the Dominion upon whom legal process may be served.

Section 4. Taxation of Stock

Shares of the capital stock of corporations created under the laws of this Dominion, when owned by persons or corporations without this Dominion, shall not be subject to taxation by any law now existing or hereafter to be made.

Article XI. Oath of Office

Members of the Dominion Council, the Dominion Assembly and all public officers executive and judicial, except such inferior officers as shall be by law exempted, shall, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation:

"I, (name) , do proudly swear (or affirm) to carry out the responsibilities of the office of (name of office) to the best of my ability, freely acknowledging that the powers of this office flow from the people I am privileged to represent. I further swear (or affirm) always to place the public interests above any special or personal interests, and to respect the right of future generations to share the rich historic and natural heritage of the Dominion. In doing so I will always uphold and defend the Constitution and Charter of the Imperium, and the Charter of my Dominion."

No other oath, declaration or test shall be required as a qualification for any office of public trust.

This oath is subordinate to any Imperial Oath.

Article XII. Amendments, Conventions, and Conclaves

Section 1. Procedures

Any amendment or amendments to this Charter may be proposed in the Senate; and if the same shall be agreed to by two thirds of the members, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on the journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and the Dominion Viceroy shall cause such proposed amendment or amendments to be published before the next general election; and if in the Dominion Legislature next after the said election such proposed amendment or amendments shall upon yea and nay vote be agreed to by two thirds of all the members elected, the same shall then become part of the Charter.  The Emperor may amend this charter at any time.

Section 2. Conventions or Conclaves

The Dominion Assembly by a two-thirds vote of all members or the Queen, may from time to time provide a convening of a convention or conclave to discuss amendments to this Charter.

Section 3. Approval of bills

Bills passed by the Dominion Assembly to conduct a charter convention or conclave do not require approval of the Dominion Viceroy.  

Article XIII. Promulgation, Certification, and Approval

This Charter when issued by the Grand Sovereign shall be considered approved and certified as law.

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