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Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

OOC discussion of the different virtual worlds, game systems, etc.
Grand Chancellor of the Imperium
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Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

Post by Horus Andrus »

Greetings all,

We have been weighing a few things related to the political strucutre.

Right now, less than half of the Imperium use Discord for anything.  So we were wondering, do we keep Discord as is, make it a "location," end the usage, or whatever.

We'd like to hear from you.  Please, whatever you propose, please give some details.  

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Re: Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

Post by Horus Andrus »

Almost forgot,

The other option is it mimics the forums, with the main area being tied to the Nexus, and then each state or quadrant has server linked to it.  Full Citizenship is achieved when you have an account on both, or something like that.  
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Re: Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

Post by Trevor Nuubert »

The idea of different servers per Quadrant is a good one.  I think we use Discord as a tool to bring people to us but don't make it required. Until I guess a certain citizenship level.
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Re: Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

Post by Alexys Nexys »

The hardest part of having multiple servers is management, how would it work, how would the imperium as a whole be involved. The idea is there and always has been...  
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Re: Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

Post by Nemesis Sass »

Trevor wrote:Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:51 pm The idea of different servers per Quadrant is a good one. I think we use Discord as a tool to bring people to us but don't make it required. Until I guess a certain citizenship level.

 I agree with Trev.  We have been testing the quadrant idea.  Trying to link it with a bot.  Or rather, they have.  I just listen...lol
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Re: Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

Post by Nemesis Sass »

Alexys wrote:Wed Dec 31, 1969 6:51 pm The hardest part of having multiple servers is management, how would it work, how would the imperium as a whole be involved. The idea is there and always has been...  

Each quadrant leader would manage the server with the help of the Imp Gov.  No brainer.  In order to get the invite to the quadrants you have to join the main or Nexus one.
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Re: Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

Post by Alexys Nexys »

We need to talk about that being clones are in all systems
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Re: Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

Post by Nemesis Sass »

That's not the topic of this thread.  Clones was another topic.  Who cares, I think Horus was asking for input on the system.  If one person makes 100 clones and they are just talking to themselves, like i have seen one person do with themselves.
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Re: Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

Post by Bismark Nexys »

I think we should talk about clone.....nothing ever does
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Re: Discord as a system, state of the Imperium, or other

Post by Rasim Aeon »

Yes, there is another thread for clones.  If you want to talk about it, go there. I remind you of the Terms you agree to it, which applies to the rules.  That involves staying on the topic.

I'm leaning on the server per Quadrant, with a bot linked.  Discord doesn't provide a "normal" way to link servers.  We won't move forward until there is a seamless connection.  Or close to one.

Just like the Forums, everyone goes to the Nexus and then goes to other places. This helps to let the High Kings and Queens do their thing, and not have too much clutter. 

I asked Horus about it and glad he put it out for full discussion.  Let's not get hung up on other topics or that people are getting hung up on other topics.  Just delete the unrelated posts, issue a warning to the poster, and move on.
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