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Grand Duke Xenos Sanguinoso
Grand Steward of the Imperium

Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Parade Field for major Imperial Service Ceremonies
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Vice Grand Knight Marshal
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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Post by Samara Barrett »

I do an about face and direct:


The band is faced to the right and marched to a position to the front and right of the formation that allows it to march straight forward pass the reviewing stands without any other turn commands.

Vice Grand Knight Marshal
Vice Grand Knight Marshal
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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Post by Samara Barrett »

After my command, unit commanders face to the right and directs “PASS IN REVIEW.” The commander then faces to the left.  The commander next to the band waits until the band moves into position.  He then commands “RIGHT TURN, MARCH” loud enough for the band to hear.  The band takes this command as its signal to begin playing and to march forward onto the line of march.
Other units move out in procession in the same manner and follow in column at the prescribed distance. 

The band and each following unit change direction at points indicated by markers.  The commander commands “LEFT-TURN, MARCH.” The commander faces about while marching as his unit is making the turn.  When his unit has completed the turn, the commander commands “FORWARD, MARCH” and faces back to the front. All commanders, except me, move with their staff into positions in the columns and at the head of their respective units just before turning onto the reviewing line. Me and the staff move forward and execute turning movements to arrive at a position 12 steps in front of the drum major on the reviewing line. On my command, me, the staff, the commanders, their staffs, and the command chief warrant officer execute “EYES, RIGHT” and salute at the eyes right marker.  Each commander commands “READY, FRONT” and terminates the salute when their staffs have reached the ready front marker. The Supreme Commander only returns my salute. ((The return of the salute by the senior commander represents the salute for all subordinate commanders.  This enables the reviewing party to observe the review without being interrupted by frequent salutes.))  After terminating the salute, me and the staff (without command) execute three wheeling movements and take our posts with the commander of troops on line with and to the right of the reviewing party. When passing the reviewing party, the bandmaster salutes and continues to look straight forward, and simultaneously the drum major executes eyes right and salutes. The other members of the band continue to play marching music without interruption.  When the band has passed the reviewing party, the drum major has the band execute three left turns into a position in front of and facing the reviewing party and at least 12 steps from the left flank of the marching troops. As the colors pass, the bandmaster and drum major salute while the band continues to play marching music without interruption.    

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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Post by Asmodeus Constantine »

As each commander execute their movements....

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Imperial Service Band, though led by the Drum Major, it is commanded by the Chief Marshal of the ISHQ.  following them

The honor guard representing the Imperial Service Headquarters and Support Command, led by their commander, Chief High Marshal Christopher Firehawk.  

following them,

The honor guard representing the Imperial Guard led by Chief Knight Marshal George Avilira.

following them,

The IS Forces Command, led by their J3- Chief of Operations, Marshal Commander Zaviera Sass,

following them, 

Please rise as the Colors of the Imperium guarded by two Imperial Guardsmen, and include the Imperial Flag, the Flag of the Sovereign, the Flag of the Supreme Commander, the Flag of the Vice Supreme Commander, and the Flag of the Imperial Service.  It is being led by Command Chief Warrant Officer of the IS Dirk Ghostate.

all in uniform salute as the colors pass.  The colors then post themselves next to the Commander of Troops and Staff

The Colors are followed by the Imperial Military Service.  It is being led by  Chief Marshal Commander Amiko Nakamura and her staff, followed by the Field Marshal of the Army, General Bryce Battles and his staff, the Army Honor Guard, then the Imperial Navy Honor Guard led by the Fleet Marshal of the Navy, Fleet Admiral Amari Taylor, her staff, the Fleet Admiral of the Star Force, Vice Admiral Kirsten Renders, the Star Force Honor Guard, then Force Marshal of the Starfighter Corps, General Ichida Nakamura and the Star Fighter Honor Guard, and lastly but certainly not least, the Force Marshal of the Imperial Marines, General Derrick Baxter and the Honor Guard.

All units passed.  

Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand for the playing of the Imperial Service Song.
Vice Grand Knight Marshal
Vice Grand Knight Marshal
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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Post by Samara Barrett »

memories of Stoney Skytracker came to mind as the song he created is played

After the song is played, I march to the front and center of the reviewing stand and salutes the Supreme Commander


The supreme commander returns the salute ending the ceremony.
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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Post by Asmodeus Constantine »




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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Post by Alexys Nexys »

She'd break the line hurrying to change out of her formal to a dress casual attire, the eyeliner started to run as she put it on. She sighed sobbing alittle before regaining her composure. She'd exit making her way toward the tent standing in line.
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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Post by Asmodeus Constantine »

Lady Knight Alexys Nexys
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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Post by Alexys Nexys »

She nodded Walking to the podium still in shock from the surprise, She kneeled before them bowing her head with eyes closed. “My Emperor…thank you, this truly is surprise to me…Now I don’t think I can go on and speak, But I will” she’d rise turning.Now then I don’t want to overshadow Lord Horus and  Nemesis…….
Lord Nemesis….the man behind the scenes since day 1-ish. He’s mentored many, Killed many and been loved by all. Let out a slight chuckle. He’s been a family friend for a great time, He’s mentored not only Myself but my late brother…I’m always told not to speak about my brother but today is one of them days. But that being said he left a few words in his diary for this day, I’d like to read a few exscripts. 

Her eyes swell up looking down at the page, turning the mic away sniffing, her voice turing to sadness and joy. Her head turns sighing with a smile.

 knew this day would come, But either in this world or another, I will always follow, Despite our relationship we always looked to the future, And here we are…Your retirement, Since 2014 you’ve been a inspiration to me, A mentor, and I will always be your starkiller or Galius Rax  (lol)Turning back to the crowd smiling “As for myself, My King, You truly are a remarkable man, wise, inspirational, a genuine friend, a heart of cold steel but also a heart of gold. One of the ones that have always seen my potential, You leave the Office of the Grand Viceroy with much more then a legacy but a mentle for every future GV, I have no doubt in my mind that Lord Horus will continue to serve in that same capacity. She smirks letting out a chuckle, “Maybe one day it will be my time, That’s a long way from now. A girl can dream right? And you Lord Horus I wish you the best of luck as the Incoming GV,” You also have mentored me alittle when you were the Grand Praetor In closing, Thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.” She turns planting her heels down snapping into a long salute before leaving the podium.
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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Post by Asmodeus Constantine »


Adorra Dakaeon
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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Post by Adorra Dakaeon »

This is truly an auspicious day.  I have had the opportunity since day one to study and be tutored.  There was a time I thought you were a clone of His Majesty.  You both have that demon streak, but I think the Emp got you sir.  

When I was down you helped me out.  When I wanted to quit.  You kept me going.  You were and no matter what you say, you still are The Vader in this not empire Imperium.

I am glad I never had the opportunity to sit in the dungeon with you.  I apologize that I had to put a guard on you a few times. lol

You committed a coup and got me under your house, but cousin, we are all still Aeon's.  So the old man is still number one, you are a close second.

To the new member to the family.  Queen Zavi. My sister in arms, sister in headaches, sister in tears, and cousin-sister.  I know you can handle this one.  You are Sister of the Order of Isis, I know and see the power of the lady flow through you.  If you ever need us to come to whip cuz back into shape... call us.

Of course I will do it with the utmost respect my lord.

Lord Horus.  We got your back.  You and I placed a bet.  You said that I would become Grand Viceroy before you.  I told you, that I was going to make sure you were ahead.....though that's not the reason I retired.  With your diplomatic, legislative, military, and academic background, you are perfect for the job.  You are not the right hand of Lucifer as your predecessor, maybe you can turn the halo bright....

Let me stop before I do get in the dungeon.

Good luck and God Speed.  
Princess Adorra Dakaeon, GKoI, GKoG, GKBGE, KoO, KoS
Regent of the State of Lemuria
High Regent of the Dominion of Thule
Sovereign of the House of Lemuria
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