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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:14 am
by Samara Barrett
Seeing the Reviewing Party halt.  I turn about and direct


All commanders in sequence from right (with back to formation) to left, face about and command PRESENT ARMS, the face to the front, and salute.  All flags are dipped except the Imperial Flag.

I then turn about facing the Reviewing stand and command the staff and myself,

The Grand Marshal returns the salute.  After presentation of the command, i go to order arms, and gives the command to the staff, ORDER, ARMS. 


Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:17 am
by Christopher Firehawk
After the Command of Troops gives the command, I face about and command:  ORDER, ARMS; PARADE, REST

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:25 am
by George Avilira
I turn and face the IG honor guard and command "ORDER, ARMS;" "PARADE, REST.  I turn about after the last of my subordinates execute the command. 

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:29 am
by Zaviera Hope
standing in for the CM FORCECOM, I face the FORCECOM honor guard and command: 


I turn and face the front, after each command rep echoes my command and face about 

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:30 am
by Dirk Ghostate
I command the colors to order arms, and parade rest

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:34 am
by Amiko Nakamura
I face about and command:  ORDER, ARMS; PARADE, REST.  

The Headquarters Commander, the Field Marshal of the Army, the Fleet Marshal of the Navy and their subordinates echo the command.  Once the last one turns back around and stand at parade rest, I do an about face.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:38 am
by Samara Barrett

I direct the band and they play three sound off chords.  At the end of the third chord, the band moves forward marching in quick time. Then they conduct a wheel and move to march in front of the troops, only to return and their original position.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:41 am
by Asmodeus Constantine
Sound off is a ceremonial tradition that has been handed down over the decades since the earliest days of the American Army on Earth and brought here to the Imperium in the early parades of the Imperial Guard.  On the command of SOUND OFF, it is customary for the band to march across the front of troops, then countermarch back across the front and halt in it’s original position.  This tradition is said to have originated in the Holy Crusades when troops offering themselves for Holy service were drawn up into a long formation and the band countermarched before those chosen to serve. This today is also the same when new guardians are chosen.

The band returns to their original position and plays the three sound off chords again.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:49 am
by Samara Barrett
After the last note of sound off is played I give the command attention to the staff and turn and face the reviewing stand.

I salute and report.


The band begins to play music as we move to inspect.

The Grand Marshal returns the salute and they all proceed towards the band.  We march to the bands music, between the commanders and their units.  As we approach, each commander prepares the unit.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:50 am
by Clem York
As the VGM leaves with the reviewing party, I command,  Parade Rest