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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:24 am
by Asmodeus Constantine
Ladies and gentlemen, please for the playing of the Imperial Anthem and Imperial Song.

the band plays the music on the last note, I say.

Please be seated.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:27 am
by Samara Barrett
I face the front and command,


then face about and  say


All commands are executed.

I turn and command then go to Parade Rest.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:49 am
by Asmodeus Constantine
The reviewing marches forward.  The Grand Prelate joins them marching with The Grand Marshal in the rear as he gives the commands. HK Nemesis is on the right and GD Horus is on the left of the Supreme Commander.  They halt six steps in front of the Colors with the Supreme Commander centered on the Colors.

The CCWOIS moves from his post at the rear of the colors and stands in front of the colors.  The Grand Marshal simultaneously moves from his post and they meet and face each other. 

The old and new GIVs take one step forward and face each other.

The CCWOIS removes the flag of the Vice Supreme Commander from the color bearer's sling with the right above the left and face about.

Key to the change of authority is the passing of the flag, the sword, and the ring. These items respresent not only the heritage and history of the position and this organization, but also thee unity and loyalty of all those that are subordinate and the trust granted by the Sovereign and Supreme Commander.  The colors are the symbol of authority. The ring is a memorial of the authority, and the sword when used with honor as the executor of that authority.  Wherever the Grand Imperial Viceroy, there are also these vessels.  The custodian of colors is the Command Chief Warrant Officer of the Imperial Service, as the Senior Enlisted Leader of the Imperium, and the principal advisor to the Supreme Command.  The custodian of the rings is the Grand Prelate, and the custodian of the sword is the Grand Marshal, when it is not in the hands of the Grand Imperial Viceroy.

The ceremony begins with the Command Chief Warrant Officer of the Service Dirk Ghostate passes the colors to his immediate commander, Grand Marshal William Sang.  In recognition of the authority he passes the colors to the outgoing Vice Supreme Commander.  (they whisper a few words).  Vice Supreme Commander Nemesis Sass passes the colors to Supreme Commander Rasim Aeon, relinquishing his responsibilities and authority. (they whisper) The Supreme Commander passes the colors to Grand Duke Horus Andrus. (they whisper), charging the new commander with the same responsibility and authority.

By Authority of the Imperial Constitution, the Imperial Charter, and Imperial Decree, the undersigned assumes authority and responsibility as the Grand Imperial Viceroy and Vice Supreme Commander, signed, Grand Duke Horus Andrus.

Grand Duke Horus Andrus now passes the colors to Grand Marshal Sang signifying his place in the Imperial Defense and Security Establishment.  Grand Marshal Sang faces about and returns the colors to the CCWOIS restating the trust in his custodial duties.

The CCWOIS then moves to the right as in marching and posts himself to the rear of the colors.

The Grand Prelate places himself next to the Grand Marshal and they all kneel before the Supreme Commander.


Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:02 pm
by Nemesis Sass
Kneeling and facing my brother.

Your Imperial Majesty, as I kneeled when I received this ring, I kneel and pass it back to you relinquishing my authority.

I hand the ring to the Grand Prelate.

I take the sword from the Grand Marshal.

Your Imperial Majesty, I pass to you the sword of the Grand Imperial Viceroy, finally closing out my duties, but not my loyalty to you.  Wherever we are and not matter the issue, you have but to call, and I will shed blood for you and the Imperium.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:04 pm
by Xavier Reikaz
I take the ring from High King Nemesis and raise it up.  Then I take the other ring the Emperor had casted.

In the name of the Creator, I bless these rings in the service to the Citizens, the Imperium, and the Emperor.

I pass the rings to the Emperor

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:10 pm
by Rasim Aeon
I take not just the one but both rings.

I take the ring of the Chief Hand and look at Horus.

This ring, blessed and sanctified, created in the deepest fires, with blood, sweat, and tears.  I give to you as a pledge to adhere to my covenant and a delegation and appointment to you as my Chief Hand.  I pass to you that authority. 

I place the ring on his finger.

I take the other ring from the Grand Prelate.

This ring, crafted the same as the other, but recognizes you now as a senior advisor, and a Hand of the Throne.  I pass to you as a symbol of the authority you retain.

I take the sword of the GIV and pass to the Horus and a new sword to Nemesis.

I hold these two swords to you both.  You both have given me sound advice over the years I pass them both to you as a symbol and reminder that we are sword brothers and remain Guardians of this Imperium.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:14 pm
by Horus Andrus
My Lord Emperor and Supreme Commander,

I accept the ring as your Chief Hand and the sword of authority and swear to you as a sword brother, a Guardian, and your Executor to serve you faithfully and loyally without evasion of mind and that I would travel 100 miles on ice to come to your aid of you and the Imperium.

Nemesis and I stand and await the commands of the Grand Marshal.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:15 pm
by William Sang
Forward March.

on the command we begin to march back to the reviewing stand.  Grand Duke Horus moves to the Emperor's right and High King Nemesis moves to the Emperor's left.  

We reach the Stand, the Grand Prelate and I takes our seat.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:18 pm
by Asmodeus Constantine
Ladies and Gentlemen,

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Rasim Aeon, the Sovereign and Supreme Commander.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:20 pm
by Samara Barrett
I face about as the Supreme Commander is called.


The command is echoed and when finished I face the front.