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Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:35 pm
by Rasim Aeon
I clear my throat.


On the command, the formation relaxes.

I never liked standing rigid while in formation and stood in front talking forever.  So admonish all the speakers to avoid giving full dissertations.

It will be hard as Nemesis here as served in this position for a very long time.  Although, he has found himself in the dungeons quite a bit because of it.

I think if mom was still here, he would be snitching.....(smiles)

Brother, I won't keep this long, I have said much already, but thank you for all the service you have rendered to me and the Imperium.  I know this is not a full retirement, but a step back.  You have wanted to put more focus on your lands, as that is still a service to the Imperium.  

There are no awards or Knightly honors I can bestow. You have them already, and have helped me maintain them.

You have advocated for some things one being put people in the ranks to properly serve.  So at your request, and at the Grand Treasurer's dismay.  I am promoting all Imperial Service members below the grade of O-15 and E-14 one grade.  Those in brevet ranks are made permanent and promoted to the rank.

Next.  I grant Clan Nexys the elevation to House Nexys and your stewardship but not in the family and under the leadership of the new Lady Knight of the Order of the Imperium Alexys Nexys.  I place the  responsibility of her training in your hands.

Lastly, you didn't request this but.

Marshal Commander Zaviera Hope, front and center. ((someone get her attention))

Duchess Zaviera Hope, I understand you guys just wanted a small chapel wedding.  Well my wife wouldn't have it and though this isn't the full pageantry of a wedding, it is still widely witnessed.

High King Nemesis Sass.  Front and Center.

As a Grand High Priest of the Order of Ra,  I stand before you today and ask.  Zaviera, do you take Nemesis as your husband, to love, honor, and cherish with all your mind, body, soul, and spirit.

You Nemesis, do you take Zaviera as your wife, to love, honor, and cherish with all your mind, body, soul, and spirit.

I pause. 

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:44 pm
by Zaviera Hope
Upon hearing the Emperor Call, I have some take the position of Commander and run to the reviewing stand.

My heart beats fast, as he is known to be a jokester and a demon sometimes.



i glance at the Empress...

YES, I DO.  With all of me I give unto him.

I place the ring on Nem's finger. Wondering but not asking out loud, which should be closer to his heart, the "hand ring or mine?"

I try to keep the tear from my eyes.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:47 pm
by Alexys Nexys
Shook her head trying her damndest to keep a straight face, Eyes swelling she sat there with a sniffle.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:48 pm
by Nemesis Sass
I look at my brother in shock and surprise.

i am frozen.

then i hear....nemesis.

i come back to reality.

I DO!!!  

I yell loudly and the people laugh.

I clear my throat.  

Yes I do.  With all of me, I give to you Zavi

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:19 pm
by Rasim Aeon
With all that being said and done.

Not listening to any objections.

Grand Duchess Zaviera Hope Hiphos, I name you Queen Zaviera Hope Hiphos Sass Babylon, High Queen Consort of the Gamma Quadrant, Queen Consort of Babylon, Princess Consort of Sassia, Grand Duchess of Babylon Prime, and Grand Duchess of Hiphos.

I took a dip from the normal ceremony.

Queen Zaviera, you can have a seat in the reviewing stand.

Grand Chamberlain you can proceed with the normal program.....for now.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:27 pm
by Asmodeus Constantine
Shocked as much as everyone else, taking orders from the Emperor, I continue

We shall proceed with the ceremony.

Ladies and Gentlemen, High King Nemesis Sass 

He will be followed by Grand Duke Horus Andrus, the Pass and Review, and then the afterwards the testimonials.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:49 pm
by Nemesis Sass
A little choked up. I stand before the podium.

Greetings members of the Citizens, Members of the Imperial Court, fellow Archons, members of the Imperial Service, His and Her Imperial Majesties.

I am at a loss for words.  Not big on ceremony.  So I won't be long.

It has truly been a pleasure service you as the Grand Imperial Viceroy.  The other title, I did not really practice much, especially having served as Grand Commander or Grand Marshal, I try not to step into the day to day stuff.  I always wanted to merely support the Grand Marshal.

To the Grand Officers, you guys, sometimes weird, sometimes funny, all the time smarter than me.

My departure does not mean the end.  I will still be around, ready to help where I can.  I just thought it was time to leave on a good note.  I am sure that I am still eligible to be sent to the, so Horus, you won't be alone when you do get sent.

Today was bitter sweet and great.  Leaving the job.  No more taking the beatings for others, though I had no issues being the one.  I won't miss it.  But it was still an honor to have your loyalty.  The greatness.

I raise my ring hand

Need not say more.  I'm married and I have queen.

You guys are getting someone that has been just as busy as I have.  He was the architect of several of our earlier diplomatic ventures.  He helped with many of the projects I worked on.  I see us going to new heights with him.

With that.  I am still here just signing off from this job.  Thank you all. 

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:58 pm
by Horus Andrus

It is going to be hard to follow what just has happened or even the long service of His Royal Majesty High King Nemesis Sass.  Thank you sir, for all that you have done.  Thank you for the advice you have given and the beat downs you have taken.

I hope to still have you around to share them.  I think I am going to need you for a while.

Looking out at those standing before us, I am not going to be long, as I hope to be long in this position.  I am not one for words and usually work behind the scenes.  

I think about when I was a troop commander in the imperial guard and standing in formation listening to speeches.  I know someone is timing how long.  The incoming should never be as long as the outgoing.

My our God give me the strength needed to be the new Executor.  I hope to help lead us further into the future. and with that, I take my seat.

I look to the Grand Marshal.  Kind sir, I have no more words right now.  With His Imperial Majesty permission, you may proceed with the ceremonies.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 2:20 pm
by Samara Barrett
Hearing the remarks complete.  I come to attention and call the staff to fall in.  The remaining commanders command fall in upon seeing my actions.  I turn and face about.


All Commanders echoe the command and then face back to the front.
I face the front, and command


On the command Post the Colors do a reverse march and all commanders and colors return to their post.  I notice the new Queen assuming command of her unit again.

I then face the Grand Marshal.

Re: Ceremony to Honor Nemesis Sass and Horus Andrus

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 2:21 pm
by William Sang