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College Students

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College Students

Post by Scarlet Alaran »

I am curious, who here has gone to college or is college?  What is your major?  Don't wanna break any rules, don't name your school or have your privacy violated.
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Re: College Students

Post by Rasim Aeon »

I went undergrad, graduate, and now doctoral. I was Business Management and Political Science undergrad, with minor course work in IT. I have an associates in Spanish. My masters was in business management with a minor in organizational security. Currently working on a doctorate in Human Services.

You forgot to mention yours and thanks for reminding people to leave the personal identifiable info off.
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Re: College Students

Post by Seldania Draken »

I did undergrad and starting law school.  Majored in business in undergraduate; focus in law school is international law.
Seldania Draken, Esq
Draken Advocacy Partnership (certification pending)

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Re: College Students

Post by Scarlet Alaran »

ooh, sorry.

Finished undergrad with a degree in business and minor in IT.  Will go to grad school in about 3 years if not sooner.
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Re: College Students

Post by Rasul Aeon »

I did college. Business Major and taking courses required by my choice of career.  Will go back to school, either law or a masters.  Can't use my parents' G.I. Bill.....lol.
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Re: College Students

Post by Alexys Nexys »

Did an undergrad in culinary and graphic design right out of HS but did nothing further, I've been thinking about going back for the bachelor's in Digital design, finishing culinary, and maybe accounting. My lack of motivation and anxiety is what stops it.
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Re: College Students

Post by Naru Nakamura »

I have my Bachelors in Chemistry and working on MPA.  Enjoyed college, just not the classes....lol
Grand Princess Naru Nakamura-Sass
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Re: College Students

Post by Raven Sang »

Finished college.  Degree in Business
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Re: College Students

Post by Ivan Dalek »

No longer a student.  Just got assigned to teach for 2 or 3 years.  Enjoyed college life. Got my bachelor's and masters.  Maybe I can get some of my students to join. lol
Grand Duke Ivan Dalek Antongi, KoI, KoF, KoG, KoA
Grand Marshal of the Imperium
Grand Commander of the IDSS
High Regent of Antongi
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