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Happy Holy Holidays

General OOC Discussion not covered under one of the listed boards. Rules still apply
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Happy Holy Holidays

Post by Mistrel Mars »

Wishing you all a Happy Holy Week and Weekend...Maunday Thursday, the last supper of Yeshua and his desciples; Good Friday - the crucifixion and death of Yeshua at Calvary; and Easter - the rising of the Christ. 

Hopefully none are offended by my joy of these holidays.  Have a blessed weekend
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Re: Happy Holy Holidays

Post by Atlas Draven »

Yes. Amen.  He lives....

Don't worry about haters.  Be you.
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Re: Happy Holy Holidays

Post by Allia Austin »

was just listening to "Now Behold The Lamb."
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Re: Happy Holy Holidays

Post by Bismark Nexys »

Oh....I came back a few days ago..
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Re: Happy Holy Holidays

Post by Nemesis Sass »

I don't think offensive is the issue.  You will see aholes appear.........

Happy Holidays everyone.  However you read or see the story, understand the message being said.
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Re: Happy Holy Holidays

Post by Allister Nexys »

One of the family holidays we all spent at my grandmothers that I'll miss. Best Wishes 
deadname: Allistar Nexys
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Re: Happy Holy Holidays

Post by Benton Braxdale »

Allia wrote:Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:59 pm was just listening to "Now Behold The Lamb."

That is a beautiful song.
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Re: Happy Holy Holidays

Post by Scarlet Alaran »

Happy Easter to those that celebrate.
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Re: Happy Holy Holidays

Post by Wolfe Windseeker »

Happy Easter!!!
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