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Why we are here

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Why we are here

Post by David Conn »

I was here active in Aksum before.  Participating in its locations in the virtual worlds.  However, I brought rl into things in, and it opened the door to what I was doing and did in RL to be exposed but not advertised.  I respect the man that rp's as Rasim Aeon for respecting my privacy and not blasting me.  

However, I think I need to, at the risk of violating a rule.  I drank the kool aid of a cult.  An unpatriotic cult.  I was some place that I should not have been in early January of a particular year, while a major activity was happening.  I thought was right.  A jury of my peers, and I can say they were my peers, decided that I was wrong, no matter who said I should be where inside I knew I should not have been.  

When I went through what I went through afterwards, including almost being dishonorably discharged from the military, I reached out for assistance, and got none.  When I reached out to the man we know as Rasim, I got some stern words, that broke me down, but I also got forgiveness.  

So now I am back, as new or renewed person.  That drink i was drinking that led me down a path of foolishness, I now detest.  Because it is wrong.  

Through this, I am intentionally not saying details to avoid causeing a rucus or bringing too much real life into this.  Just know, this is how we got here.  

Why I am here now, is because of the honor of a man that I followed in war but disagreed with on the fundamentals of what our shared homeland believed in.  I am not drinking his koolaid, nor promoting a cult, but if there was one, I would be one of his high priest.  If this was a real nation, I would be his main follower trying every day to get the forgiveness, that I don't believe I deserve, even though it has been given.  

I believe the rl separation rules are partly because of me.  

I just thought you all should know. 
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Re: Why we are here

Post by Allister Nexys »

Welcome back home, I know the feelings all too well, But I looked toward the evil brother for guidance but also the Ras.....Welcome home David, welcome home.
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Re: Why we are here

Post by Alexys Nexys »

Sounding like a Scar
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Re: Why we are here

Post by Bismark Nexys »

The Imperium isn't whole....The Emperor lied.
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Re: Why we are here

Post by Allister Nexys »

The emperor did get involved in affairs with the State of the Aksum Imperium.
deadname: Allistar Nexys
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Re: Why we are here

Post by Slayer Skytracker »

Mr. Conn,

I knew of you before, but not any of what you said.  It takes a man to say what you said and recognize the need for a change and then change.  You have a friend here sir.

What I am confused about are the other statements that are not to your point or related to the topic.  Seems to attack "us."  
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Re: Why we are here

Post by David Conn »

The statements remind from when I was here before.  I also don't understand when the links were allowed or even why.

Nevertheless, I said I what I said to still honor that Aksum is still here and I am glad to be back.  

I remember someone making a lot of idiotic claims in the past and I hope they not continued that.  To not grow is to be in a state of suspended animation, basically dead.....
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Re: Why we are here

Post by David Conn »

Slayer wrote:Wed Dec 31, 1969 8:00 pm Mr. Conn,

I knew of you before, but not any of what you said.  It takes a man to say what you said and recognize the need for a change and then change.  You have a friend here sir.

What I am confused about are the other statements that are not to your point or related to the topic.  Seems to attack "us."  

If the Queen is ok, we would join you in Cordoba.  I have some other friends that served with me (not at that event of course, lol), that are joining.  
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Re: Why we are here

Post by Rasul Aeon »

Mr. Conn,

Welcome back.  I am glad to read/hear your statement.  Of course where many traditions are the same, a lot still has changed and I look forward to you being apart of things. There is a youthful shift in the Imperium, so you "old heads" still around helps.
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Re: Why we are here

Post by Naru Nakamura »

Mr. Conn, 

Welcome back.  The honorably route that you now take is not the easiest or the best.  Your rl story is one for you to share.  I was not active when you were here before, but I here that you rose to key positions and your only transgression was in rl.  I would support you returning to some responsibility.
Grand Princess Naru Nakamura-Sass
Acting Grand Steward of the Imperium
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