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Happy Mother's Day

General OOC Discussion not covered under one of the listed boards. Rules still apply
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Supreme Marshal
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Happy Mother's Day

Post by Rasul Aeon »

I know some of you are role play moms and some are real life moms.  Whichever, I wish you a Happy Mother's Day!!!
Rear Admiral
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Re: Happy Mother's Day

Post by Allister Nexys »

Happy mothers day ladies, Some of you have been the pinnacle of the Imperium. Here's to you!
deadname: Allistar Nexys
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Re: Happy Mother's Day

Post by Orion Alaran »

Happy Mother's Day!!!
Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:15 am

Re: Happy Mother's Day

Post by Nari Nuubert »

I'm late, but Happy Mother's Day..

Shame on all of you heathens, if you didn't celebrate your mom on this day.  Blessings to those that did.  lol
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