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Does 34 matter

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Does 34 matter

Post by Scarlet Alaran »

I am curious, How do you feel about the the recent conviction of former President on 34 counts in New York.

I will weigh my opinion later
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Re: Does 34 matter

Post by Naru Nakamura »

Regardless of whether he was the President or regular every day citizen, our justice system is supposed to be blind and equal.  There are a number of groups to have been negatively effected by a corrupt judiciary.  This was not a sign of corruption.  I still remember the Central Park advertisement Mr. Trump made and all of them gentlemen were proven innocent.  Mr. Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers, of which his team participated in picking.  He then attempted to influence the process.  Now I spoke on fairness, and fairness would say he only pays a fine and serve probation since it is the first time he has been convicted.  I want to say, because he was President he should be held to higher standard, but that would me contradict myself and be hypocrite.  Equal justice.  He should wear ankle bracelet, not be allowed to leave the state, and pay the fine. 

As for weather the GOP, the law and order party, should still nominate him at the convention.  Hell no!!!  I will leave the party if we do.
Grand Princess Naru Nakamura-Sass
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Re: Does 34 matter

Post by Allister Nexys »

None.....I'll wait....
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Re: Does 34 matter

Post by Bismark Nexys »

just remember, Biden sent us to war for 9/11
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Re: Does 34 matter

Post by Bismark Nexys »

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Re: Does 34 matter

Post by Asmodeus Constantine »

Bismark wrote:Wed Dec 31, 1969 8:04 pm just remember, Biden sent us to war for 9/11

1st.  This post is not about President Biden.  It is about the recent conviction of Donald Trump.  If you have trouble understanding the intent of the post, please contact the original poster.  

Second, please verify your facts.  Senator Biden did not send 'us" to war.  President George W. Bush did with an authorization of force from the entire Senate.  Also, it was in response to those we thought were the cause of that tragic day.

I would ask that you do not cheapen the lives of those who died on that tragic day or those that deployed in response, by stating false information.  That makes you just as bad as the terrorist.
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Re: Does 34 matter

Post by Allister Nexys »

Asmodeus wrote:Wed Dec 31, 1969 8:04 pm
Bismark wrote:Wed Dec 31, 1969 8:04 pm just remember, Biden sent us to war for 9/11

1st.  This post is not about President Biden.  It is about the recent conviction of Donald Trump.  If you have trouble understanding the intent of the post, please contact the original poster.  

Second, please verify your facts.  Senator Biden did not send 'us" to war.  President George W. Bush did with an authorization of force from the entire Senate.  Also, it was in response to those we thought were the cause of that tragic day.

I would ask that you do not cheapen the lives of those who died on that tragic day or those that deployed in response, by stating false information.  That makes you just as bad as the terrorist.

Wasn't Biden on the FA Commitee, Wasn't Biden a Senator at that time....He did send us to war. 
deadname: Allistar Nexys
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Re: Does 34 matter

Post by Nemesis Sass »

Allister wrote:Wed Dec 31, 1969 8:04 pm
Asmodeus wrote:Wed Dec 31, 1969 8:04 pm
Bismark wrote:Wed Dec 31, 1969 8:04 pm just remember, Biden sent us to war for 9/11

1st.  This post is not about President Biden.  It is about the recent conviction of Donald Trump.  If you have trouble understanding the intent of the post, please contact the original poster.  

Second, please verify your facts.  Senator Biden did not send 'us" to war.  President George W. Bush did with an authorization of force from the entire Senate.  Also, it was in response to those we thought were the cause of that tragic day.

I would ask that you do not cheapen the lives of those who died on that tragic day or those that deployed in response, by stating false information.  That makes you just as bad as the terrorist.

Wasn't Biden on the FA Commitee, Wasn't Biden a Senator at that time....He did send us to war. 

I am going to tag in on this one.  I don't always agree with Asmo.  As a matter of fact, I go out of my way not to agree with him.  But this time......

1. This post is not about Biden it is about Donald Trump being convicted of 34 felony counts by a jury of his peers.  I believe the original poster was asking about this.  So seeing the failure to process that, I kind of understand why you are so far gone with your comments.

2.  The Senate Foreign Affairs committee, along with the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as a number of other committees in both Chambers of Congress deliberated on the authorization to use force.  The AUMF was passed by Congress in 2001. So using your logic all of the Senators and Reprsentatives that voted send "us" to war.

3. The President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces.  He and the Secretary of Defense make up the National Command Authority.  They are the ones that determine when a declaration of war or an AUMF is executed.  Not a Senate or HR Committee Member.  Most immigrants know that.  

4. If you have never worn the uniform (deployed or not) please avoid using "us."  There was no "us" when the order came except the US Army, the US Navy, the US Marine Corps, the US Airforce, the US Coast Guard (yes they helped to) and to an extent the USO.  

So as the great Forrest Gump said, "Stupid is as stupid does."  Don't be stupid.

Now back to the original topic.  

Donald Trump was found guilty.  I think it was politically motivate....have argued this with the RL Rasim and I know when he reads this he is chomping at the bit. I don't think he should have been tried with an election coming.  That's my two cents.  I know some of ya'll definitely don't agree, especially my family.  Still my opinion....lol

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Re: Does 34 matter

Post by Alexys Nexys »

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Re: Does 34 matter

Post by Allister Nexys »

Nem for once we can agree
deadname: Allistar Nexys
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