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Grand Duke Xenos Sanguinoso
Grand Steward of the Imperium


Place where new immigrants announce themselves
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Posts: 38
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Re: Hello

Post by Ichida Nakamura »

Hey Sis!!!  Finally some backing against the other two...lol.  I sent you a PM with some links.
Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 10:32 pm

Re: Hello

Post by Ivan Dalek »

Hello Josie!!!
Grand Duke Ivan Dalek Antongi, KoI, KoF, KoG, KoA
Grand Marshal of the Imperium
Grand Commander of the IDSS
High Regent of Antongi
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Re: Hello

Post by Naru Nakamura »

Hey Josie.  Ignore Ich.  Join our team...lol.  No, glad you finally got here....who gets credit for you??? lol
Grand Princess Naru Nakamura-Sass
Acting Grand Steward of the Imperium
Posts: 272
Joined: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:21 pm

Re: Hello

Post by Nemesis Sass »

hello Josie!!!
Posts: 578
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Re: Hello

Post by Alexys Nexys »

Backing??? My lady I want in.
Senator At Large
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Re: Hello

Post by Kirstan Renders »

Hello.  Will be glad to have you in the Navy!!!
Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
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Re: Hello

Post by Allister Nexys »

Welcome home, Good to see new blood joining the Navy.
deadname: Allistar Nexys
Codename: Crimson
True Atlantean
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Re: Hello

Post by Jayster Hemby »

Hello and Welcome to the Imperium 
Imperial Prince Jayster Hemby-Aeon,
Grand Duke of the Dominion Basun
Knight Marshal of the Phoenix Force
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