On behalf of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Rasim Aeon, Hello and Welcome to the Aksum Imperium. If this is your first time here, please proceed to the Welcome Center and introduce yourself, or you may proceed to your Quadrant introduce yourself there.

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Grand Duke Xenos Sanguinoso
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Place where new immigrants announce themselves
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Post by Rachel Conn »

I am Rachel Conn, not my real life name, but I will rping as the wife of David Conn.  First time in Aksum.  I think I know some of you already from other places.  Well I am human, I jumped onto a transport and travelled here to await David's resurrection and establish our home in Solacia. Other family and friends will be arriving on the transport (of course many of us are not related in real life).  No major desire to be the greatest or restore David to whatever he was before.  We will work within the parameters and hopefully establish ourselves as loyal citizens.  I have been in micronations before, so the game isn't new.  Here I intend to get into education.  So if someone can link or direct me to where I can get that start, would greatly appreciate it.
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Re: Greetings

Post by Alexys Nexys »

Welcome, Didn't know he had a family.
Senator At Large
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Re: Greetings

Post by David Conn »

Welcome dear.

Ms. Nexys, just curious, why do you need to track my family or if I have one?  
Marine Lieutenant General
Marine Lieutenant General
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Re: Greetings

Post by Cart Crandon »

Hello and welcome Rachel!!!
Grand Chancellor of the Imperium
Grand Chancellor of the Imperium
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Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2022 8:03 am

Re: Greetings

Post by Horus Andrus »

Hello and welcome Rachel
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