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Office of the Grand Marshal

Headquarters, Imperial Service

Fortress Aksum


Subject: Relationships Between Ranks and Senior-Subordinate Positions

This directive is effective immediately.


The purpose of this policy directive is to establish guidelines for maintaining appropriate relationships between ranks and senior-subordinate positions within the Imperial Service, ensuring professionalism, respect, and ethical conduct at all levels.


This policy directive applies to all members of the Imperial Service, including officers, non-commissioned officers, enlisted personnel, and civilians, regardless of branch, unit, or command.


It is the policy of the Imperial Service to foster an environment of mutual respect and professionalism among individuals of different ranks and senior-subordinate positions. The following principles and guidelines shall be adhered to:

a. Professionalism and Respect: All members of the Imperial Service shall treat each other with professionalism, respect, and courtesy regardless of rank or seniority. Conduct that demeans, belittles, or harasses another person based on rank is strictly prohibited.

b. Conflicts of Interest: Individuals in senior-subordinate relationships shall avoid situations that could create conflicts of interest, favoritism, or the perception of impropriety. Officers and non-commissioned officers shall not engage in personal relationships that compromise their impartiality, judgment, or decision-making.

c. Romantic and Personal Relationships: While personal relationships are permitted, individuals in a direct senior-subordinate relationship, or where a significant difference in rank exists, shall not engage in romantic relationships. If such relationships arise, individuals shall promptly disclose them to their immediate superiors to ensure appropriate action is taken.

d. Reporting Relationships: Senior-subordinate relationships shall be established based on organizational structure and rank. Individuals in supervisory positions shall provide clear guidance, mentorship, and support to their subordinates while maintaining objectivity in evaluations and performance assessments.

e. Abuse of Authority: Individuals in positions of authority shall not abuse their power, position, or rank to influence or coerce subordinates into actions that are against regulations, policies, or ethical standards.

Implementation and Enforcement

a. All personnel shall be made aware of this policy directive upon entering the Imperial Service and shall acknowledge their understanding and agreement to comply.

b. Commanding officers, unit leaders, and supervisors shall ensure compliance with this policy directive and promptly address any violations in accordance with established procedures.

c. Violations of this policy directive may result in disciplinary action, including reprimand, suspension, or dismissal, depending on the severity of the offense and its impact on unit cohesion and mission effectiveness.

Review and Revision

This policy directive shall be subject to periodic review and revision to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Feedback from members of the Imperial Service shall be considered during the review process.


HIH Bryce Aeon, GKoI, GKoG, GKoS, GKoA

The Grand Marshal