ISP 600-1

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Office of the Grand Marshal of the Imperium

Headquarters, Imperial Service

Fortress Aksum

Aksum Prime


Subject: Imperial Service Command Policy

1. Purpose

This command policy is designed to provide a framework for the effective operation of the Aksum Imperium's Imperial Service. It emphasizes the importance of readiness, discipline, accountability, leadership, teamwork, innovation, respect, communication, and professionalism. By adhering to these principles, the Imperial Service can ensure that it is always prepared to meet the security and defense needs of the Aksum Imperium and its citizens.

2. Mission

The mission of the Imperial Service is to provide for the security and defense of the Aksum Imperium and its citizens; to support the Emperor and the government in the pursuit of their strategic objectives; protect the Imperium against all enemies foreign and domestic; provide for public health and safety; and fight and win the Imperium's wars.

3. Command

a. Chain of Command.

  1. The Imperial Service follows a strict chain of command. All personnel are expected to adhere to this chain of command, and to respect the authority of their superiors. This chain of command is designed to ensure that orders are communicated effectively, and that decisions are made quickly and efficiently.
  2. The chain of command consists of a hierarchical structure of command authority, starting with the Emperor as the supreme commander of the Imperial Service, followed by the Grand Imperial Viceroy (only when acting as a regent or when directed by the Supreme Commander) and the Grand Marshal, who collectively make up the Imperial Command Authority. Under this highest level of command, there are the Quadrant commanders, sector commands, and under them are the unit commands of the different service branches. For the purposes of administration, discipline, training, and recruiting, the Chain of Command goes through the Service Branch Commanders to the Imperial Command Authority.
  3. All personnel must adhere to the chain of command in all matters related to their service in the Imperial Service. This means that all communication with superiors and subordinates must be done through the proper channels. Personnel are expected to follow orders given by their superiors, and to report any concerns or issues to their immediate superior, who will then escalate them up the chain of command as necessary.
  4. The chain of command is designed to ensure that decisions are made quickly and efficiently, and that there is clear communication and understanding of orders and directives. It also ensures that there is a clear line of accountability and responsibility for all actions taken within the Imperial Service.
  5. In addition to adhering to the chain of command, personnel are encouraged to communicate with their superiors and subordinates in a respectful and professional manner. This means that all communication should be clear, concise, and free of any disrespectful or insubordinate language. Personnel should also be willing to listen to the perspectives and ideas of others, and to work collaboratively to achieve the goals and objectives of the Imperial Service.
  6. Overall, the chain of command is a critical component of the Imperial Service Command Policy. By adhering to this chain of command, personnel can ensure that they are communicating effectively and efficiently, and that decisions are made quickly and decisively. This ultimately helps to ensure that the Imperial Service is able to carry out its mission of providing for the security and defense of the Aksum Imperium and its citizens.

b. Role of the Commander. The Commander is an officer or senior enlisted person who has been given the authority and responsibility to lead, direct, and control the activities of their unit or organization. Commanders are responsible for ensuring the readiness, discipline, and effectiveness of their unit or organization, and for carrying out their assigned mission. Only officers may issue judicial or non-judicial punishment.

c. Authority of a Commander. Commanders have the authority to make decisions and take actions necessary to accomplish their mission, as long as they are within the bounds of their authority and the rules and regulations of the Imperial Service. They are responsible for the welfare, training, and discipline of their personnel, and for ensuring that their unit or organization is prepared to carry out its assigned mission.

d. The NCO Support Chain.

  1. The NCO Support Chain is a hierarchical structure of Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) within a military organization, designed to provide support and guidance to junior enlisted personnel. The NCO Support Chain consists of a series of NCOs of increasing rank and experience, who are responsible for mentoring and advising junior enlisted personnel on matters such as career development, personal conduct, and military readiness. The Command Chief Warrant Officer of the Imperial Service sits at the top of this Chain.
  2. At the base of the NCO Support Chain are the most junior NCOs, who are responsible for supervising and training junior enlisted personnel in their day-to-day tasks. As NCOs progress in rank and experience, they take on more responsibility for mentoring and advising junior enlisted personnel, and for ensuring that they are properly trained and prepared to carry out their duties.
  3. The NCO Support Chain is an essential component of the Imperial Service, as it helps to ensure that junior enlisted personnel receive the guidance and support they need to succeed in their military careers. By providing a clear structure of support and guidance, the NCO Support Chain helps to foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual support among enlisted personnel, and helps to ensure that the military organization is able to maintain a high state of readiness and effectiveness.

4. Readiness

a. The Imperial Service must maintain a high state of readiness at all times. This includes ensuring that personnel are properly trained, equipped, and prepared to carry out their assigned duties, and that all systems and equipment are properly maintained and functioning.

b. To maintain readiness, all personnel of the Imperial Service must be prepared to deploy on short notice to any location within the Aksum Imperium or beyond. This requires a high level of physical and mental fitness, as well as specialized training and expertise in various areas of security and defense operations.

c. In addition, all equipment and systems used by the Imperial Service must be kept in a state of constant readiness. This includes regular maintenance, inspection, and repair of all vehicles, weapons, communications systems, and other equipment used by the service. Any deficiencies or malfunctions must be identified and addressed promptly to ensure that personnel have the necessary tools and equipment to carry out their duties effectively.

d. To ensure that personnel are properly trained and equipped, the Imperial Service maintains a robust training and education program. All personnel are required to complete regular training in a variety of areas, including weapons proficiency, first aid, tactics, and other essential skills. This training is designed to ensure that personnel are prepared for any contingency, and that they can respond effectively to a wide range of security and defense situations.

e. The Imperial Service must be prepared to adapt and adjust to changing security environments and threats. This requires a continuous assessment of potential risks and threats, as well as the development of new strategies and tactics to address them. The Imperial Service must be agile, flexible, and innovative, and must be willing to adopt new technologies and approaches in order to stay ahead of emerging threats.

4. Service in Legislatures

Service in legislatures at all levels is permitted for members of the Imperial Service, provided that their duties to the service remain paramount. Any conflicts of interest or other issues related to legislative service must be reported to superiors immediately. Imperial Service personnel serving in legislatures must adhere to all rules and regulations of the service, and are subject to the same standards of conduct and behavior as any other member of the service.

5. Harassment

a. The Imperial Service has a zero-tolerance policy regarding harassment of any kind. All personnel are expected to treat one another with respect and dignity, and any form of harassment will not be tolerated. Personnel who witness or experience harassment are encouraged to report it immediately to their superiors or to the appropriate channels within the service.

b. Harassment can take many forms, including verbal, physical, and sexual harassment, as well as discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. All forms of harassment are strictly prohibited within the Imperial Service.

c. All personnel must be aware of what constitutes harassment and the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful work environment. This includes avoiding any behavior that could be interpreted as threatening, intimidating, or disrespectful towards others.

d. If a member of the Imperial Service witnesses or experiences harassment, they are encouraged to report it immediately to their superiors or to the appropriate channels within the service. The service is committed to thoroughly investigating any allegations of harassment, and taking appropriate action to address the issue.

e. Personnel who engage in harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. In addition to any disciplinary action, the service may also provide counseling and support to victims of harassment to help them cope with the effects of the incident.

f. Any person who makes a false claim is subject to the same penalties as the respondent would have received plus discipline for making a false official claim.

g. All cases of harassment shall be handled at the highest level of each service branch. All investigations will be conducted by the Imperial Police Investigations Bureau in conjunction with the Inquisitor General of the Imperial Service.

h. Service Branch Commanders will publish a policy on reporting procedures within their commands.

6. Discipline

a. Discipline is essential to the effectiveness of the Imperial Service. All personnel are expected to conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism and to adhere to the highest standards of conduct and behavior. Any violation of these standards will be dealt with swiftly and firmly.

b. Discipline within the Imperial Service encompasses all aspects of behavior and conduct, both on and off duty. This includes adherence to rules and regulations, personal appearance and hygiene, work performance, and interpersonal relationships.

c. All personnel are expected to maintain the highest level of personal conduct and professionalism, and to adhere to the Code of Conduct of the Imperial Service. This includes treating all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of rank or position.

d. Violations of the Code of Conduct or other regulations will be dealt with swiftly and firmly. Disciplinary actions may include counseling, reprimands, loss of privileges, extra duty, fines, demotion, or dismissal from the Imperial Service. In some cases, violations may also result in criminal charges being filed against the offending individual.

e. Commanders at all levels are responsible for enforcing discipline within their units or organizations. This includes ensuring that personnel are properly trained and educated on regulations and standards of conduct, as well as taking corrective action when necessary to address violations.

f. Personnel who observe violations of discipline are required to report them immediately to their superiors or to the appropriate channels within the service. The service is committed to thoroughly investigating any allegations of misconduct, and taking appropriate action to address the issue.

g. The goal of discipline within the Imperial Service is to maintain a high level of professionalism and effectiveness, and to ensure that all personnel are able to carry out their duties to the best of their ability. By upholding strict standards of conduct and behavior, the service can maintain the trust and confidence of the Aksum Imperium and its citizens, and fulfill its mission of providing for the security and defense of the Imperium.

7. Accountability

All personnel are accountable for their actions and decisions. This includes taking responsibility for any mistakes or errors, as well as ensuring that all tasks and missions are completed to the best of their ability. Service Commands will issue a policy or order requiring submission of accountability reports from the lowest level of command through the chain of command.

8. Leadership

The success of the Imperial Service depends on strong and effective leadership at all levels. Leaders must be competent, ethical, and committed to the well-being of their personnel and the mission of the Imperial Service.

Leaders within the Imperial Service are responsible for ensuring that their personnel are properly trained, equipped, and prepared to carry out their assigned duties. This means providing the necessary resources, guidance, and support to help personnel succeed in their roles, as well as holding personnel accountable for their actions and decisions.

Effective leadership also requires a commitment to ethical conduct and behavior. Leaders within the Imperial Service must lead by example, and model the highest standards of conduct and professionalism for their personnel to follow. This means treating all personnel with respect and dignity, and avoiding any behavior that could be interpreted as threatening, intimidating, or disrespectful towards others.

Leaders must also be willing to take calculated risks and make difficult decisions when necessary. This means being willing to make tough choices in the face of uncertainty or adversity, and taking responsibility for the consequences of those decisions. Leaders must also be able to adapt to changing circumstances and conditions, and be willing to adjust their plans and strategies accordingly.

Effective leaders within the Imperial Service must also be good communicators. This means being able to communicate effectively with personnel at all levels, and to listen actively to the perspectives and ideas of others. Leaders must also be able to communicate effectively with external stakeholders, such as other military organizations or diplomatic counterparts.

Effective leadership is essential to the success of the Imperial Service. By providing strong and effective leadership, the Imperial Service can ensure that its personnel are properly trained, equipped, and prepared to carry out their assigned duties, and that the mission of the Imperial Service is achieved. Effective leadership also helps to foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual support among personnel, and helps to ensure that the Imperial Service is able to maintain a high state of readiness and effectiveness.

9. Counselling of Subordinates

a. The Imperial Service recognizes the importance of counseling and mentoring of subordinates in order to help them reach their full potential. All personnel are encouraged to engage in constructive counseling and mentoring of subordinates, and to provide them with the guidance and support they need to succeed. However, all counseling must be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of the service, and must be respectful and appropriate at all times.

b. Service Branch Commanders will issue orders establishing rating schemes and the requirement of counselling. Each rating scheme shall be approved by the next highest command.

7. Teamwork, Respect, Professionalism, and Communication

a. The Imperial Service relies on the effective collaboration and teamwork of all personnel. All members of the Imperial Service must work together towards common goals and objectives, and support one another in the accomplishment of their duties.

b. All personnel of the Imperial Service are expected to treat one another with respect and dignity, regardless of rank, position, or background. Discrimination, harassment, or any other form of inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

c. The Imperial Service is a professional organization, and all personnel are expected to act accordingly. This includes maintaining a high level of personal appearance, behavior, and demeanor, as well as respecting the customs and traditions of the Aksum Imperium.

d. Effective communication is essential to the success of the Imperial Service. All personnel are expected to communicate clearly, concisely, and honestly, and to keep their superiors and subordinates informed of any relevant information.

8. Conclusion

a. This policy is effective 19 March 2023

b. This policy is punitive. Violations of this policy is subject to the IS Code of Justice.


Signed: GM George Avilira

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