Specialized Handbooks

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The Specialized Handbooks are a unique collection designed to cater to the most specialized and nuanced aspects of the Imperial Navy's operations. These are not your standard procedural guides; these are elite manuscripts tailored to specific requirements, roles, and scenarios. Whether dealing with flagship protocols or the legal intricacies that govern our operations, these handbooks serve as the final word on these critical subjects.

Subsections Include:

Flagship Protocols: This handbook is a must-read for those privileged to serve aboard the flagships of our highest-ranking officers. It outlines the intricate protocols, security measures, and even diplomatic expectations that come with operating these monumental vessels.

Imperial Navy Legal & Ethical Code: An indispensable guide for every sailor and officer in the Imperial Navy, this handbook lays down the law—quite literally. It outlines the legal frameworks, military justice systems, and ethical considerations that each member is bound to uphold, irrespective of rank or role.

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