The Imperial Service

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His Imperial Majesty's Service is now merged with the Most Sovereign and Imperial Order of the Imperium. The organization structure and the ranks have been adjusted accordingly.

Since the inception of the 9th Imperium, the Imperial Service is the organization the operates and/or supports the Grand Imperial Court of the Aksum Imperium, and the Imperial Chambers. It is responsible for the oversight of the Imperial Chambers, the Imperial Governance and Diplomatic Service and the Imperial Defense and Security Service.

The IS is the primary source to achieve full Citizenship status in the Imperium. Everyone must serve a minimum six good months, without a break in service, or without inactivity. Its headquarters is split between Aksum City on Akum Prime, the Imperial Citadel on Aksum Prime, the Imperial City a world-ship in orbit, and the Fortress of Aksum, another world-ship in orbit.


The Imperial Guard

The Imperial Guard of the Aksum Imperium was the first armed and security force. It was created when the initial founders ventured into the unknown. The young explorers discovered that their leader was more than he or they knew. Xavier Reikaz, the security expert and self-proclaimed chaplain of the group discovered ancient text. He along with a group influential in forming the Imperium came together and pushed to create the organization because they all new that the lands they found and their leader needed to be secured . The Imperial Guard eventually became the Order of the Guardian and the responsibility of defending and securing the new Imperium was transferred to the Imperial Armed Forces and the Imperial Police. Nemesis Sass became head of the Imperial Guard, Varon Vanderpeck became the Lord Marshal and leader of the Imperial Armed Forces, and Xavier Reikaz became the Director General of Police. The Imperial Guard's charge became the Emperor and the Imperial Palace, and detachments accompanied the Emperor as Supreme Commander on the battlefield.

The Imperial Armed Forces

The Imperial Armed Forces was created to defend the Imperium and fight and win its wars. Varon Vanderperck is credited with its inception. He was followed by Cayleb Nuubert who led the IAF for the longest. When the IAF and the Imperial Police transitioned back to the Imperial Guard, Katy Hemby, the former head of the Imperial Aero Forces, became the new Lady Marshal. The Imperial Armed Forces was later changed to the Imperial Military Service as it stands today. The IMS is the higher headquarters for the Imperial Army, Imperial Navy, Imperial Aero Forces, and Imperial Marines. It provides the forces to the Imperial Service Quadrant High Marshals.

Imperial Service Functions

Purpose of the Imperial Service

The Imperial Service in its current form is charged with several duties and responsibilities. These duties are specified in the Imperial Charter, decrees, and policy statements. These duties and responsibilities can be broken down into three basic functions:

  1. To protect the peace and security of the Imperium, and to provide aid and assistance to the Sovereign States that make up the Imperium;
  2. To enforce Imperial laws, regulate shipping and space travel, and to establish the rules for safe navigation within Imperial Space, and;
  3. To perform basic research in the physical and life sciences, survey known and unknown areas of space, and to expand Imperial Space through exploration and colonization.
  4. To provide support and personnel in support of the Imperial Crown and the Imperial Court

Imperial Service as a Military Force

A key function of the IS is to protect the Imperium, its properties, planets and all its peoples. As such, the IS is the Imperium's first line of defense and in times of war, it is the IS that has the primary responsibility for the planning and engagement of enemy forces within and outside Imperial Space. During such times, the Imperial Service has the authority, with the Emperor's approval, to declare martial law, conscript personnel, assemble fleets, commandeer spacecraft and restrict space travel and other movement within the Imperium.

In order to most effectively carry out this function, the Imperial Service maintains a large fleet of spaceborne and planet borne warships, planetary ground vehicles, and other armed vessels required to support its military role. The Emperor as supreme commander has directed the Service to design, build, and maintain the necessary vessels and equipment .

In addition to protect the Imperium from invading forces and insurgencies, the protection of trade is also of vital interest to the Imperium. Much of the raw materials for manufacturing must be transported from planet to planet within and without the Imperium. Any interruption of the supply of needed materials would greatly affect the economy and therefore the security of the Imperium. Therefore, it is necessary that the transport of these materials be protected from enemies, pirates, and other illegal activities.

As part of its military duties, the Imperial Service has the additional duty to aid any ally or other non Imperial state in special emergency situations. Such emergencies may include military aid to put down illegal rebellion or insurrection. This can only be ordered by the Emperor, whom by law is the only one to authorize deployments outside of Imperial Space.

In addition to military assistance, the Imperial Service may be utilized to supply aid to any neighboring nation or state at their requests.

Majority of all military operations are conducted through the Imperial Military Services.

Imperial Service as a Law Enforcement Agency

In addition to protecting the Imperium from enemies known and unknown, the Imperial Service also has the function of enforcing Imperial law within its boundaries. As such the Imperial Service, through the Imperial Police Service functions as a type of state police monitoring the space lanes for vessel compliance, and enforcing laws in each state on each planet.

As part of its law enforcement duty the Imperial Service has the responsibility to apprehend and detain all criminals and fugitives from justice in Imperial Space. This includes fugitives from foreign entities as well as from Imperium authorities. However, the IS will only exercise this authority within Imperial Space.

In the enforcement of Imperial Laws the Imperial Navy has broad search and seizure powers through the Imperial Star Navigation Authority. With due cause, usually as a result of a routine ship scan, private as well as commercial crafts can be stopped, boarded, and inspected by the Imperial Service personnel for proper documentation, content, safety equipment, and proper navigational beacons. As part of its law-enforcement authority, the Imperial Service through the Imperial Police, can issue citations for the violation of any safety regulation or ship handling practice. In addition, items found to be contraband can be immediately confiscated, the ship seized, and the vessel's personnel detained.

As the Imperium grows a lot of traffic throughout will increase and will likely be non-military. As such, the need for specific regulations, traffic corridors and space lanes are needed to prevent collisions in space. Therefore, Rules of Space Navigation are created. These rules, when approved by the Imperial Council of Deliberation, are designed to prevent collisions in space by establishing basic ship handling standards and practices.

To regulate traffic density in Imperial Space, vessels are required to submit flight plans and other documents to the Imperial Service outlining the intended destination, cargo, passengers, course, nominal sped, and the specific corridor of travel. Only the IS has the authority to approve or disapprove any flight plan submitted. Any ship found to travel without a flight plan or has diverted from their approved flight plan can be stopped, cited or the vessel seized and the crew arrested.

Commercial and cargo vessels must also submit to IS a manifest listing the goods and materials being transported by the vessel. Manifests and documentation are subject to inspection by the IS at any time, and vessel crews are required to cooperate with IS authority at all times.

Every vessel of the Imperium must be registered and documented with the IS and cannot legally operate without such documentation. The IS issues registry credentials only after a complete inspection of the vessel has been completed. Spacecraft, which only operate within a local system, need not register with the IS, but are subject to seizure should they travel outside the boundaries in which they are licensed to operate. State and system governments can regulate within their areas in coordination with the IS.

As part of its law enforcement role, the Imperial Service also functions as the judicial arm of the Imperium in deep space. Imperial courts do not extend to the outer boundaries of Imperial Space, but do have jurisdiction where there is Imperial property, and therefore, the Imperial Service is empowered with judicial authority in the outlying territories and as such, has the authority to establish courts within these regions. The senior commander can exercise the judicial authority in those areas within the oversight of the Imperial Council of Magistrates and with the advice of a member of the IS Judge Advocate Corps. This authority is only granted to commanders of line ships.

The Imperial Service as a Scientific Organization

The Imperial Service is the chief science and research agency of the Imperium. To meet this obligation, the Imperial Service has established the Imperial Service Science and Research Command (ISSRC) under the Imperial Service Support Command. The ISSRC includes, but not limited to:

  • Science and Technology Division
  • Physical Science Division
  • Life Science Division
  • Social Science Division
  • Agricultural Division

The pure scientific research the IS engages in ranges from astrophysics to alien zoology. Such pure research is vitally important to the IS, which has important benefits. The IS has engaged sin the examination of using black holes as travel corridors, studying the benefits of the gravitational fields of different stellar bodies. These studies are important because the IS ships uses warp fields that are highly sensitive to even minor gravitational fluctuations and has already begun assisting with building the Imperial Star Highway.

Besides the physical sciences, the Imperial Service will also be engaged in agricultural projects and terraforming. Colonies are being established using these projects. The knowledge gained from these studies will be used to aid colonization throughout Imperial Space and expansion.

In addition to pure scientific study, The IS is also tasked with engineering research and development. It is the IS function to determine and develop practical applications from the scientific knowledge gained. Such applications may include, but not limited, to a new propulsion systems, new weapons, improvements in the materials used to construct space stations, or a new consumer systems. The Imperial Service conducts engineering and research through the Imperial Service Advanced Research and Engineering Command ISAREC. This command operates the shipyards and armament centers. It includes but not limited:

  • Shipyard and Armaments Division
  • Space Research Division
  • Special Research Division

The IS maintains facilities at the Academy, each Star Base, and a number of classified locations. In addition, the IS can make agreements with many commercial manufacturers and technical institutes in the research and development of new or improved technologies.

Finally, IS vessels, including line starships, are equipped with laboratories and other equipment for the performance of scientific research. When not actively on a mission, starship crews are always engaged in some type of research. Results of research, unless classified will be shared through the Imperial Government.

Imperial Service as an Exploration Agency

By Imperial Decree, the Imperial Service is the chief exploration and colonization agency for the Imperium. The purpose and rationale behind exploration and colonization are:

  1. Survey and map the galaxy,
  2. Expand Imperial Space
  3. Establish colonies
  4. Establish trade and commerce centers,
  5. Find new resources
  6. Interact with new nations and states.

Exploration is done primarily through the Imperial Rangers, a subdivision of the Imperial Guard. They work in conjunction with the Grand Architect of the Imperium and the various offices. The overall responsibility for colonization rests with the Grand Chancellor.

As Imperial Space is still being mapped, the Rangers have submitted reports that ultimately created the four quadrants that make up Imperial Space. The IS still seeks to expand its boundaries to create buffer zones to extend the distances from potential enemies to the populated worlds.

Private and commercial enterprises, as well as the Sovereign States may undertake exploration missions and establish colonies with approval of the Imperial Security Council. If approved, Imperial authority expands to those areas.

Imperial Service as a Consular Agency

The Chancery of External Affairs negotiates treaties and accepts new diplomats. The Imperial Service through the IS Diplomatic Service/Consular Command provides the ambassador and staff. The IS can conduct diplomatic functions if the Chancery of External Affairs is not available. A starship on a diplomatic mission is under the mission control of the assigned Ambassador. That Ambassador is not in control of the ship itself. If no ambassador is available a ship captain serves as such, provided they have the proper training and been designated as such.

All agreements negotiated by the Imperial Service are submitted through the Council of State and then the Imperial Council of Deliberation for approval. In some cases the Emperor may be directly involved and approve them.

Imperial Service as an Intelligence Agency

To support its military and security role, the Imperial Service is the primary source for all intelligence for the Imperium. The former Imperial Intelligence Agency now rests within the Imperial Service, specifically under the Imperial Guard. The Imperial Intelligence Service provides intelligence to both internal and external organizations.

Imperial Service as a Support Organization

The IS is the primary agency for logistics support for all States, systems, star bases, colonies, and expeditions. In addition to logistical support, the IS provides humanitarian and any other assistance to any Imperial area when disasters occur.

The IS Material Command leads logistical support planning and operations.

Organizational Structure


The Imperial Service is now reorganized into the Order of the Imperium and the Order is reorganized into the Imperial Service. The leadership of the Order and the leadership of the Service are one and the same.

The Supreme Imperial Command

The Supreme Imperial Command is the leadership of the Imperial Service and includes the Most Sovereign Grand Commander (MSGC), the Sovereign Grand Commander (SGC), the Vice Sovereign Grand Commander (VSGC), the Grand Commander of the Imperial Governance and Diplomatic Service (GCIGDS), the Grand Commander of the Imperial Defense and Security Service (GCIDSS), the Chief of Staff of the IS Headquarters, the Chief of Staff of the Imperial Chambers, and the Command Chief Warrant Officer of the Imperial Service. These individuals serve as the Imperial Command Authority with the Emperor and MSGC at the apex and final authority. The current officeholders are:

Directly under the Vice Sovereign Grand Commander are the Imperial Chambers and the Imperial Service Headquarters. Membership in these bodies correspond with the Order of the Brazen Eagle.

Imperial Chambers

Provides direct support to the Crown. The senior members of the Imperial Chambers are:

  • Chief of Staff of the Chambers/Vice Grand Chamberlain: Grand Marshal Christopher Firehawk
  • Vice Chief of Staff: TBA
  • Grand Keeper of Seals and Archives: Vice Grand Marshal Artemis Griswold
  • Grand Treasurer: Vice Grand Marshal Sekou Cartwright
  • Imperial Privy Secretary: TBA
  • Grand Master of Protocol: Vice Chief Chancellor Dirk Ghostate
  • Grand Master of Ceremonies: Knight Captain Kwame Jomes
Imperial Service Headquarters and Headquarters Command

Provides direct support to the Command Group and consists of the following senior members:

  • Chief of IS Staff: Grand Marshal Derrick Baxter
  • Vice Chief of Staff: TBA
  • Chief of Administration: Vice Grand Marshal Taos Constantine
  • Chief of Intelligence: Vice Grand Sentinel
  • Chief of Operations, Training, and Plans: Vice Grand Marshal Aryanna Aeon
  • Chief of Logistics and Resource Management: Vice Chief Marshal Andre Tome
  • Chief of Communications: Vice Chief Marshal JoJo Frost
  • Chief Magistrate of the IS: Grand Marshal Andrea Austin
  • Judge Advocate General: Chief Justiciar Zhaire Hope
  • Provost Marshal General: Chief Sentinel Conrad Skylark
  • Surgeon General: Lady Knight Isabella Riven
  • Inspector General: TBA

The Grand Council of the Order of the Imperium

In a separate but similar setup, the leadership of the IS with the Grand Masters of the subordinate orders also make up the Grand Council of the Order of the Imperium. Current Officeholders are:

Imperial Service Services and Branches

Effective March 19, 2024, after the declaration of the 9th Imperium during the Special Magnus 24-1, the Imperial Service was reorganized into two Senior Services that are organized into Major Services, and further into Service Branches.

Imperial Governance and Diplomatic Service

The Imperial Governance and Diplomatic Service (IGDS) integrates various crucial services under the guidance of the Grand Viceroy, creating a cohesive unit that manages governance, diplomacy, education, and legal affairs within the Imperium. It's corresponding order is the Order of the Concord

The mission of the IGDS is to ensure effective governance across the Imperium, managing diplomatic relations and trade, upholding legal standards, overseeing educational policies, managing building and construction.

The IGDS is led by the Grand Viceroy, who holds the grade of O-18 and reports directly to the Grand Chamberlain in his role as the Lt. Sovereign Grand Commander. The Grand Viceroy is assisted by the Viceroyalty in the management of the Quadrants and Sectors and a Chief of Staff to oversee the Headquarters of the IGDS..

The Services under the IGDS are:

  • Imperial Diplomatic Service (Order of the Accords)
    • Led by the Grand Chancellor (O-17), handling the Imperium's diplomatic initiatives and relations.
  • Imperial Administrative Service (Order of the Black and Gold Lion)
    • Managed by the Grand Steward (O-17), responsible for internal governance and administrative functions.
  • Imperial Inquisitor and Advocate Service (Order of the Golden Scales)
    • Overseen by the Grand Justiciar (O-17), focusing on special investigations, legal compliance, and administration of justice.
  • Imperial Education Service (Order of the Owl)
    • Led by the Grand Sage (O-17), coordinating the education and scholarly activities.
  • Imperial Building and Engineering Services (Order of the Builder)
    • Led by the Grand Master Architect (O-17)

The IGDS operates the College of Governance and Diplomatic Studies which is under the University of the Aksum Imperium's, Imperial University.

Imperial Defense and Security Services

The Imperial Defense and Security Service (IDSS is merged with the Order of the Valiant. It oversees the safety, security, and defense services of the Imperium.

The mission of the IDSS is to uphold peace, ensure the safety of the Imperium's citizens, and respond to any threats with valor and strategic prowess.

The IGDS is led by the Grand Chief Marshal, who holds the grade of O-18 and reports directly to the Grand Chamberlain, then the Grand King, and then Emperor. The Grand Chief Marshal oversees the overall strategy, operations, and coordination of the Order's diverse functions.

The major Services of the IDSS are the:

  • The Imperial Military Service (Order of the Warrior)
    • Led by the Grand Strategos (O-17), who oversees defense and expeditionary operations through its Service Branches: The Imperial Army Service (IAS) (the Order of the Paladin) and the Imperial Naval Service (INS) (the Order of the Kraken)
  • The Imperial Grand Service (Order of the Sentinel)
    • Led by the Grand Seneschal (O-17) focusing on VIP protection, security of key locations, and special operations. Its Service Branches are the Nexus Force, the Phoenix Force, the Shadow Force, and the Royal Guard Force.
  • The Imperial Security Services (Order of the Cerulean Shield)
    • Led by the Grand Sentinel (O-17) who oversees the handling internal security, intelligence, and policing through the Imperial Police Service (IPS)(the Order of the Shield), the Imperial Intelligence Service (IIS) (the Order of Helios), and any joint bureaus/commands
  • The Imperial Health Services (Order of the Caduceus)
    • Led by the Grand Medicus (O-17) who manages healthcare, medical responses, and public health

The IGDS operates the Imperial Service University and its subordinate colleges and academies, under the auspices of the University of the Aksum Imperium. It focuses on the training of personnel in defense, security, and strategic operations in line with the ethos of the Order of the Valiant.

Imperial Service Code of Conduct

The Imperial Service Code of Conduct is the base code by which all members, enlisted and officer hold each other accountable. It was formally decreed as a law for the Imperial Service on the 24th of April 2021. It is as follows:

Article I

I am a professional Imperial Service member.

I am sworn to follow the rules, regulations and guidelines of the Imperial Service and Aksum Imperium wherever it exists.

In carrying out my duties I will obey all applicable provisions and guidelines of the Imperial Service.

I will obey the orders of my superiors.

Article II

I will enforce the guidelines of the Imperial Service professionally without prejudice or partially. I recognize that persons I encounter in my presence as a member of the Imperial Service are entitled to be treated with respect and courtesy.

Article III

As a member of the Imperial Service, I acknowledge that I am a servant and protector of the Imperium and that my authority comes from the Supreme Commander through the leaders appointed over me; and I will never abuse this honor. As such I will conduct my duty with honor and integrity.

Article IV

I will never sacrifice my integrity or the reputation of the Imperial Service.

In preparing reports and in giving oral or written statements, I will provide only truthful testimonies.

Article V

I will scrupulously safeguard all evidence, property, resources, and personnel for which I am responsible.

Article VI

I will politely decline any gratuity I may be offered during my duties and will encourage the other members of my team to follow my example. I will immediately report any attempt to bribe any Imperial Service member or witness, and will take actions against the individuals where appropriate by filing the proper report to the proper authority.

Article VII

I will respect the property of others and will attempt to avoid or minimize any damage to that property.

Article VIII

As a member of the Imperial Service I will constantly strive to improve my professionalism through education, training, and experience.

The Imperial Service Code of Justice

The Imperial Service Code of Justice is the body of language the Sovereign and Supreme Commander has decreed as law for the Imperial Service. It is a part of Title 22 of the Imperial Code. Since the Sovereign has the sole prerogative to command and control the Imperial Service, a decree is issued. In the ISCJ the Grand Marshal exercises duties delegated to him by the Supreme Commander, however, the Supreme Commander may at anytime perform those functions.

Directives, Policies, Regulations, and Instructions

The Supreme Commander (SC) issues directives and instructions to the Imperial Service as a whole or to individual parts of it. As a general practice, the SC gives directive guidance to the Grand Marshal of the Imperium, who in turn issues directives in his name. Each Service may further issue documents for their specific areas as long as they do not take away from those documents issued by higher.

Ranks of the Imperial Service

The ranks of the Imperial Service are broken into five (5) tiers and each service and branch have their own ranks.


Tier Officer Enlisted
I Supreme Officer Senior Imperial NCOs
II Imperial Officer Imperial NCO
III Flag Officer Senior NCO
IV Senior Officer Junior NCO
V Junior Officer Junior Enlisted
VI Cadet Recruit

Officer Ranks

Common Ranks

Tier Grade Ranks
IV O-07 Knight
IV O-06 Captain
IV O-05 Commander
IV O-04 Lieutenant Commander
V O-03 Senior Lieutenant
V O-02 Lieutenant
V O-1 Ensign
VI C-04 Cadet 1st Class
VI C-03 Cadet 2nd Class
VI C-02 Cadet 3rd Class
VI C-01 Cadet 4th Class

Ranks of the Supreme Imperial Command

Tier Grade Order Rank Rank
I O-21 Most Supreme Grand Master Most Sovereign Grand Commander
I O-20 Supreme Grand Master Sovereign Grand Commander
I O-19 Deputy Supreme Grand Master Lt. Sovereign Grand Commander
I O-18 Knight Grand Commander of the Order Assistant Sovereign Grand Commander

Ranks of the Imperial Staff

Tier Grade Order Rank Rank
I O-18 Knight Grand Commander of the Order Grand Legate
I O-17 Knight Grand Custodian of the Order Vice Grand Legate
II O-16 Knight Grand Warden of the Order Assistant Grand Legate
II O-15 Grand Knight of the Order Chief Legate
II O-14 Vice Chief Legate
II O-13 Knight Legate

Ranks of the Imperial Defense and Security Services (Order of the Valiant)

Order Rank
I O-18 Knight Grand Commander of the Order Grand Marshal
I O-17 Knight Grand Custodian of the Order Vice Grand Marshal Grand Seneschal Grand Strategos Grand Sentinel Grand Medicus
II O-16 Knight Grand Warden of the Order Assistant Grand Marshal Vice Grand Seneschal Vice Grand Strategos Vice Grand Sentinel Vice Grand Medicus
II O-15 Grand Knight of the Order Chief Marshal Assistant Grand Seneschal Assistant Grand Strategos Assistant Grand Sentinel Assistant Grand Medicus
II O-14 Vice Chief Marshal Chief Seneschal Chief Strategos Chief Sentinel Chief Medicus
II O-13 Knight Marshal Vice Chief Seneschal Vice Chief Strategos Vice Chief Sentinel Vice Chief Medicus
III O-12 Custodian of the Order Knight Seneschal Knight Strategos Knight Sentinel Knight Medicus
III O-11 1st Knight 1st Knight 1st Knight 1st Knight
III O-10 Knight Captain Knight Captain Knight Captain Knight Chief Surgeon
III O-09 Companion of the Order Knight Commander Knight Commander Knight Commander Knight Surgeon
III O-08 Knight Guardian Knight Warrior Knight Cerulean Shield Knight Caduceus

Ranks of the Imperial Governance and Diplomatic Service

Order Ranks
I O-18 Knight Grand Commander of the Order Grand Viceroy
I O-17 Knight Grand Custodian of the Order Deputy Grand Viceroy Grand Chancellor Grand Justiciar Grand Steward Grand Sage Grand Architect
II O-16 Knight Grand Warden of the Order Assistant Grand Viceroy Vice Grand Chancellor Vice Grand Justiciar Vice Grand Steward Vice Grand Sage Vice Grand Architect
II O-15 Imperial Knight Chief Viceroy Assistant Grand Chancellor Assistant Grand Justiciar Assistant Grand Steward Assistant Grand Sage Assistant Grand Sage
II O-14 Assistant Chief Viceroy Chief Chancellor Chief Justiciar Chief Steward Chief Sage Chief Architect
II O-13 Knight Viceroy Vice Chief Chancellor Vice Chief Justiciar Vice Chief Steward Vice Chief Sage Vice Chief Architect
III O-12 Custodian of the Order Viceroy Knight Chancellor Knight Justiciar Knight Steward Knight Sage Knight Architect
III O-11 1st Knight 1st Knight 1st Knight 1st Knight 1st Knight
III O-10 Knight Consul General Knight High Counselor Knight High Administrator Knight Senior Scholar Knight Chief Castellan
III O-09 Companion of the Order Knight Consul Knight Counselor Knight Administrator Knight Scholar Knight Castellan
III O-08 Knight of the Accords Knight of Justice Knight of the Black and Gold Lion Knight of the Owl Knight of the Builder

Enlisted Ranks

Tier Grade Ranks
I E-19 Command Chief Warrant Officer of the Imperial Service
I E-18 Command Chief Warrant Officer
I E-17 Chief Warrant Officer
II E-16 Master Warrant Officer
II E-15 Senior Warrant Officer
II E-14 Warrant Officer
II E-13 Senior Sergeant Major
III E-12 Sergeant Major
III E-11 Chief Sergeant
III E-10 Master Sergeant
III E-09 Senior Sergeant
IV E-08 Sergeant
IV E-07 Chief Specialist
IV E-06 Master Specialist
IV E-05 Senior Specialist
V E-04 Specialist
V E-03 Private Third Class
V E-02 Private Second Class
V E-01 Private
VI R-01 Recruit First Class
VI R-02 Recruit Second Class
VI R-03 Recruit Third Class
VI R-04 Recruit Fourth Class

Old Ranks

Officer Ranks

Tier Grade Imperial (Joint) IGS IMS ISS IHS IDS IIAS ICS
Joint Marine Corps
I O-21 Most Supreme Marshal
I O-20 Supreme Marshal
I O-19 Vice Supreme Marshal
I O-18 Grand Chief Marshal
I O-17 Grand Marshal Grand Knight Marshal Grand Strategos Grand Sentinel Grand Medicus Grand Chancellor Grand Inquisitor General Grand Steward
II O-16 Vice Grand Marshal Vice Grand Knight Marshal Vice Grand Strategos Vice Grand Sentinel Chief Commissioner General Chief Director General Vice Grand Medicus Vice Grand Chancellor Vice Grand Inquisitor General Vice Grand Steward
II O-15 Chief Marshal Chief Knight Marshal Chief Strategos Chief Grand General Chief Grand Admiral Chief Sentinel Commissioner General Director General Chief Medicus Chief Ambassador Chief Inquisitor General Chief Steward
II O-14 Senior Marshal Senior Knight Marshal Senior Strategos Grand General Grand Admiral Senior


Vice Commissioner General Deputy Director General Senior Medicus Senior Ambassador Senior Inquisitor General Senior Steward
II O-13 Marshal Knight Marshal Strategos Lt. Grand General Vice Grand Admiral Sentinel Commissioner Assistant Director General Medicus Ambassador Senior Inquisitor General Steward
II O-12 Knight Captain General Marshal General Marshal Admiral Marshal General Vice Commissioner Director Medical Director Deputy Ambassador Inquisitor General Deputy Steward
II O-11 Knight General Chief General Fleet Admiral Chief General Deputy Director Deputy Medical Director Consull General Deputy Inquisitor General Assistant Steward
III O-10 1st Knight General (GEN) Admiral General Superintendent Assistant Director Assistant Medical Director Consul Asst Inquisitor General Junior Steward
III O-09 Chief Knight Commander Lieutenant General (LTG) Vice Admiral Lt. General Vice Superintendent Chief SAC Chief Medical Officer Chief Attache Chief Inquisitor Chief Administrator
III O-08 Knight Commander Major General (MG) Rear Admiral Major General Asst Spec Agent in Charge Assistant Chief Medical Officer High Attache High Inquisitor High Administrator
III O-07 Senior Knight Brigadier (BRIG) Commodore Brigadier Senior Inspector Special Agent Senior Medical Officer Senior Attache Senior Inquisitor Senior Supervisor
IV O-06 Knight Colonel (COL) Captain Colonel Inspector Special Agent Medical Officer Attache Inquisitor Supervisor
IV O-05 Lieuteneant Colonel (LTC) Commander Lt. Colonel Assistant Inspector Agent Asst. Medical Officer Assistant Attache Asst Inquisitor Asst Supervisor
IV O-04 Major Lt. Commander Major Major Major Major Major Major Lead Associate
V O-03 Senior Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Senior Associate
V O-02 Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Agent Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Associate
V O-01 Ensign Ensign Ensign Ensign Ensign Ensign Ensign Ensign Junior Associate
VI C4-1 Cadet Midshipman Cadet Police Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet

Enlisted Ranks

Tier Grade Imperial Insignia Military Insignia Army Insignia Navy Insignia Marines Insignia Imperial Guard Insignia Imperial Police Insignia
I E-16 Command Chief Warrant Oficer of the IS
I E-15 Service Command Chief Warrant Officer Command Chief Warrant Officer of the IDS Chief Master at Arms of the IGS Chief Inspector of Police
I E-14 Command Chief Warrant Officer Command Chief Warrant Officer Command Sergeant Major of the Army Cmd Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Chief Master at Arms Chief Inspector
I E-13 Chief Warrant Officer Chief Warrant Officer Command Sergeant Major IV (FA) Cmd Master Chief Petty Officer IV Command Sergeant Major of Marines Senior Master at Arms Senior Inspector
II E-12 Senior Warrant Officer Senior Warrant Officer Command Sergeant Major III (Corps) Cmd Master Chief Petty Officer III Command Sergeant Major III Master at Arms Master Inspector
II E-11 Master Warrant Officer Master Warrant Officer Command Sergeant Major II (div) Cmd Master Chief Petty Officer II Command Sergeant Major III Sergeant at Arms Inspector
II E-11 Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Command Sergeant Major I Cmd Master Chief Petty Officer I Command Sergeant Major I Chief Guardsman Chief Constable
II E-10 Sergeant Major Master Chief Petty Officer Sergeant Major Senior Guardsman Senor Constable
III E-9 First Sergeant Senior Chief Petty Officer First Sergeant Master Guardsman Master Constable
III E-8 Master Sergeant Chief Petty Officer Master Gunnery Sergeant Guardsman Constable
III E-7 Sergeant 1st Class Petty Officer 1st Class Senior Gunnery Sergeant Apprentice Guardsman Master Patrolman
III E-6 Staff Sergeant Petty Officer 2nd Class Gunnery Sergeant Apprentice Patrolman First Class
IV E-5 Sergeant Petty Officer 3rd Class Sergeant Patrolman Second Class
IV E-4 Corporal Senior Crewman Corpoal Patrolman
IV E-3 Private 1st Class Crewman 1C Lance Corporal
IV E-2 Private 2nd Class Crewman 2C Senior Private
IV E-1 Private Crewman Private
V R-1 to R-4 Army Recruit Naval Recruit Marine Recruit

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